Page 7 - HP3A 010 Jamaican folktale lovers leap
P. 7

While she was there she noticed a                                                                                            curly hair, brown eyes and brown

            young man. He seemed to be looking                                                                                           skin. He was charming, spoke well

            at her and she couldn’t figure out                                                                                           and told her a lot of  jokes. Jomo

            why. She made her way to a fabric                                                                                            told Mizzie that he worked for a

            store, and he followed her. He                                                                                               sugar cane plantation that was

            apologized for startling her. He told                                                                                        nearby. Before they knew it, Mizzie

            her his name was Jomo. She shook                                                                                             had finished all her chores and had

            his hand and introduced herself.                                                                                             to head back to the Greathouse.

            Jomo offered to walk with her as she                                                                                         She said goodbye to Jomo but he

            finished her chores, and she politely                                                                                        could not let her leave without

            accepted.                                                                                                                    knowing how to find her. Mizzie told

               The two walked and talked                                                                                                 him where she worked and Jomo

            together. Mizzie noticed  how                                                                                                promised to find her again. He picked

            handsome Jomo was. He had short                                                                                              up a yellow flower from the ground
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