P. 19

into discovering that research also occurs with individuals without the use of

               an internet.

               As a group, from the 15 statements of awareness of being an ideal teacher

               that were given we have acknowledged 5 statements that our school can

               focus  on,  these  statements  were  common  in  all  of  us.  We  have  used

               statement 3, 4, 9, 11 and 15 to describe the ideal teacher our school needs.

               We have come to the conclusion that our school needs an ideal teacher who

               connects to learners, know the background of the learners, the teacher who

               respect  the  learner’s  culture  and  tradition.  A  teacher  who  make  use  of

               indigenous  knowledge  on  his/her  lesson,  a  teachers  who  brings  joy  and

               make learners to fall in love with the subject they teach. A teacher who is a

               life time learner and researcher and a teacher who understand that learning

               does not take place in the classroom only, but also outside the classroom.

               Our school needs an ideal teacher who will install the love of learning into

               learners by incorporating different learning styles and uses technology and

               digital tools to stimulate the minds of the learners and to make learning more

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