P. 17
“An ideal teacher is a researcher and leader with adaptive expertise so
that he/she works with others (fellow teachers, community members
and experts) to integrate through transdisciplinary approaches the
place of their subject in the world”.
Technology is improving every day and knowledge is constantly being
improved. New developments are constantly being covered. As a country we
are moving from the third industrial revolution where it aimed to introduce the
use of technology. We are moving towards the forth industrial revolution
where it encourages a paperless society. An ideal teacher needs to keep up
with current developments that are happening.
Teachers should not only depend on textbook as a source of knowledge.
Teachers should consult fellow teachers, community and experts for new
developments in their subject of specialization. A teacher cannot work in
isolation but work in partnership with those close to him or her. Teachers do
not have to be in physical contact with each other, teachers can
communicate through online educational programs. Learners should not be
treated as receivers of knowledge but as also as researchers of knowledge.
Learners must be allowed to discover knowledge on their own. Teachers,