P. 16
Encouraging learning through playing games stimulates the minds of the
learners as they will be playing while learning. This will also teach them to
do work as a team as it encourage team work between the learners. Learning
through games also creates a long term memory in the learners minds, of
which will show learning taking place because learners will remember this
activity for life. This also brings joy towards learning and acquiring
knowledge. Learners will grow to love learning this subject and they will have
a positive input to their learning of this particular subject. As the ideal teacher
I will always ensure that the learners learn more through games outside the
An ideal teacher plans and take learners to learning excursions, where
learners get to meet with different individuals to learn more about the content,
for example, as a history teacher I can take learners to a historical museum
where they get to learn about our historical events, a science teacher can
take learners into a field work, where they will be expanding their knowledge
and a life orientation teacher can take learners to career exhibition for
learners to learn more about the world of work and this will make them to
take informed discussion and choose their subjects in a smart way.