Page 23 - kaleido
P. 23

would it do nothing to teach him                     coming part of the death group and

                                                                                                                              and the others? There are people                     get, as a result, life sentence. They
                                                                      Helen Keller                                            who believe that such punishment  believe that it is the same as death

                                                                                                                              is too harsh especially towards                      penalty, for they will be out of the
                                                          Sara Hussain & Deema Ibrahim - 6H
                                                                                                                              criminals. They believe that it can’t  public sight and would eventually

                                                            H                                                                 solve a problem is to teach them a  penalty immediately steals the soul
                                                                                                                              solve problems, and the way to
                                                                                                                                                                                   die by time. However, while death

                                                                                                                                                                                   of the man, life sentence assures a
                                                                                  elen Keller was blind,
                                                                                                                                                                                   second chance for them by giving
                                                                                                                                             here should be hope for
                                                                               They thought that she did
                                                                                                                                             them. Others believe that
                                                            not have  a mind. She never knew what                             T                                                    them a review. It is known that
                                                                                                                                                                                   there is a review mechanism that is
                                                                                                                                             death penalty should be
                                                             was in a name, She thought that every-                                          the fate for many brutal,             applied after every 25 years.

                                                            thing was the same. When Ann entered                              evil- spirited criminals. They be-                            n this review the prisoners try

                                                             her life and made it bright, Helen Kel-                          down. After going back and forth  I
                                                                                                                              lieve that crimes would be solved
                                                                                                                                                                                            to prove if they have changed
                                                                           ler learned to fight.                              and decline if the source is taken                            and should be allowed the

                                                                                                                                                                                            chance to be set free. Some

                                                                                                                              between the two opinions and                         prisoners prove themselves, get the

                                                                                                                              views, I strongly believe and decide  chance to be set free and live a

                         Food Crises                                                                                          to be with death penalty. There are  peaceful, trouble-free life. Yet a le-

                                                                                                                              people whose hearts are filled with  gitimate question to be asked is that
                           Aisha Ahmad Al Najar                                                                               emotions. Such people tend to be                     what about the innocent prisoners
                      & Hajar Ahmad Al Harbi - 6G                                                                             against death penalty. They believe  who were executed for a crime they

                                                                                                                              that such punishment shouldn’t be  never committed? Or the ones who

                      eople all over the world are suffering                                                                  even considered as an option. They  accidentally and ignorantly but nev-
                      from hunger, We need to make them                                                                       believe that the criminals should be  er deliberately killed someone. This
                      happy and stronger. Poor people have                                                                    given a second chance to look back  even supports the reason to be

          P t of food crises, All they need are                                                                               at their mistakes and learn from                     against execution. While these peo-
                      a lo
          pieces of healthy slices.                                                                                           them. They say many have                             ple go emotional against death pen-

          Children are dying and crying, What can we be
          trying?                                                                                                             changed . So, there should be a                      alty, others have the same idea but
          We should find solutions to make a better                                                                           hope for those at fault, there must                  for a different reason. Some of

          place, Starvation in world will slow down its                                                                       be a sense of humanity. There are                    these people believe in retribution.
          place.                                                                                                              fortunate prisoners who get the                      They believe in the quote of “Bad

                                                                                                                              chance to no longer suffer from be-
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