Page 24 - kaleido
P. 24
guys deserve to suffer.” Retribu- left unharmed roaming freely on
tivists are either with or against Earth. They would be heartbro-
death penalty, depending on their ken and left with fear and injus-
point of view. The ones who are tice. Especially when the crimi-
against it claim that there are nals are set free, claiming they
many innocent victims who are have changed. how is that con-
executed but not really guilty. vincing? Many have fooled
Those who are in favor of execu- around with the reviewers, put-
tion believe that they should suf- ting up an act in order to leave
fer as a result of their dreadful their dungeon. Raising threat
acts against innocent victims. For back with them.
disagree. I am a firm be- M
these reasons some believe that any believe that
death penalty shouldn’t be the an- people change af- Muneera Abdullah Salem Al Hajri - 6G
swer. ter life imprison-
I ly depends on the person himself. P
ment, but that on-
liever in the very popular
eople all over the world suffer from hunger,
quote “An eye for an eye.” Ones who commits extreme
We need to help them and make them stronger.
Hammurabi’s famous code crime are the least mentally sta-
of law. It is what represents and ble. They cannot change. Pedo- Here we are throwing extra food away,
meets the standards of justice. philia is an example. People with There in Africa, people are awaiting an answer to a pray.
Justice cannot be fooled around Pedophilia do not believe that
with. It is what brings balance what they do is wrong. They feel We have to join hands,
and peace to the world and be- that it is okay, therefore support- To bring prosperity to all lands.
tween people. People who are ing my reason that, yes, people
against death penalty are only who commit such crimes cannot
basing it on their emotions. Its change. Some might ask that Justice is the only word,
prejudice. They do not face the surely there are people who To be equal in the world.
truth and the reality of justice. If change after life imprisonment.
they truly want to base it on emo- es, there are however Let’s all be one big family,
tions, then they should base it on Y To live in peace and happily.
sadly the majority
the victims’ emotions and the are sent back to pris-
emotions of their families. An in- on after three years
nocent life taken, yet dark one of their release. There is a reason