Page 27 - kaleido
P. 27
The girls were about to exit Sheri's talking in the same time.
house door, but Sheri's mother saw Sheri told her friends to go to the
them and said: "Girls where are you front door and then she'll follow
going?!" The girls replied: "Oh! them. When Sheri came she said:
We're going for a walk and we'll "Emma, Amy get out!
come back at midnight." Sheri's
mother replied: "Are you sure?" The Emily and Chloe: "Huh?"
girls said: "Yes, we're sure." Then Emily and Chloe: "But, but, but,
the girls went to the school. how?" Sheri said: " Were you mak-
ing the sounds at the theater?"
When the girls finally reached the
school Chloe asked: "Why didn't The twins said: "Yes."
Emma and Amy come?" The rest an- Sheri said: "Principal’s assistant get
swered: "We don't know." Emily out!" "Ok," the assistant replied
Noura Abdullah - 8G
stopped to tie her shoelace, and then Chloe and Emily: "Where is your
she saw the skeleton and cried: hair?"
"AAAAAA!" The assistant said: "It's fake," he
The rest rushed to her and asked said. Sheri: "You didn't disappear;
Olympics …..WINTER OLYM- South Korea present itself as a tech what happened, she answered with a you were just searching for your
PICS. Robots compete at the win- -savvy nation with an eye on the nervous voice: "I saw the… the... fake hair? Oh! And the robot is the
ter Olympics? On February 9th, future. the…" Sheri said: "What did you skeleton that you were using to scare
2018 South Korea held the winter Most of the robots seen in see?" the students, and the sparkling eye
Olympics in the "Wlli Hilli Park" Pyeongchang and Gangneung, the Emily completed: "I saw the skele- was the principal's camera.
an area near pyeongchan as the two areas where the Winter Games ton!!" She shouted. Then they tried All of you stop doing these things
world's top athletes competed at are being held, weren't made to to find the skeleton, but they couldn't because you are making the students
the pyeongchan winter Olympics; look human. Instead, they present a find it. scared! Stop or I'll call the security!
some robots also showed their win- wide range of looks — and autono-
ter sports skills. my. After that they went to the art room All of them replied: "Ok!"
Directions, weather reports, water Two of the most sophisticated ro- and they saw an eye on the painting
bottles. Those are some of the bots regularly operated in crowded which was hung on the wall.
things robots offered at the spaces. One, the Airstar, greeted Emily and Chloe cried:
Pyeongchang Winter Olympics — travelers at Seoul's Incheon Inter- "AAAAAA!" Then they went to the
helping to host thousands of visi- national Airport, answering ques- theater but, it was locked. Yet they
tors and media. They also helped tions and offering to guide people heard two different voices that were