Page 25 - kaleido
P. 25
for such a rule, and it is for equality freeing of a believing slave and a
and peace. Even then, this punish- compensation payment presented to
ment isn’t a game to be played with. the deceased's family [is required]
It is a judge’s duty to set a trial unless they give [up their right as]
based on righteousness. Their pun- charity…). It is what gives fairness
ishments depend on their crime and and lessens crimes. It is morality.
its extremity. The person too would Crime rates decline when this pun-
be checked if stable or not. People ishment is used. Criminals drop
who commit extreme crimes cannot many acts against law knowing and
be trusted, especially those with fearing the ultimate punishment. It is
pasts of wrong doing. In and out human instinct to try and protect
they go, but in the end they have a oneself from harm. It is even more
strike, a line, if passed shows that effective knowing that it pays way
they deserve their punishment. Espe- too much to drop the execution.
cially those who are sentenced to Fear of living ferociousness and
death. monstrosity lurking in the shadows
Khalid Jassim - 9A he ones who commits waiting for its prey that constantly
homicide are the most de- haunts them will disappear. Safety
serving to die. Islam, even and security will be once felt at
the name itself means
Through the eyes of a young lad. peace. In Islam justice is number once.
Standing tribute below the righteous stars. one. A soul for a soul is one of the or all these reasons death
penalties of murder in Islam. It
penalty is a must. It should
Asking himself every night. F
means if a person murders another, be used in all countries
Is he of use to this land? his or her punishment should be against the cruelty . It is the
Finding purpose in his life. death. Because Islam is the most sword of just and morality. Leaving
When the time arrives and his second hits the clock. peaceful religion, it prevents the exe- such souls would only be biased.
cution when there is accidental mur- “An eye for an eye” great words said
A man in surprise questions his strength.
der. For Allah said in the Qur’an in by a great man who once ruled with
Oh Great ground! Surah An-Nisa, verse 92, (And never the reality of justice and its truth. No
Why are you swaying in the name of god? is it for a believer to kill a believer -one should be oppressed by fear.
Fear is what should be oppressed.
except by mistake. And whoever
His might fades and weakness remains.
kills a believer by mistake - then the
It is at this moment that a man truly realized his size.