Page 122 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 122

How Occupational Fraud is Committed

                      As was  first stated in the 1996 Report to the Nation, all occupational frauds

                      fall into one of three major categories: asset misappropriation, corruption or
                      fraudulent statements.

                      Asset  misappropriations  were  by  far  the  most  common   schemes involving financial statement frauds was 13 times
                      type of occupational fraud in our study, occurring in over   greater than the median loss for schemes involving asset
                      90% of all cases. Meanwhile, cases involving financial state-  misappropriations and nearly four times greater than the
                      ment fraud were the least common, but had the largest im-  median loss in cases that involved corruption.
                      pact when they did occur. The median loss of $2 million in

                                                 Types of Occupational Fraud & Abuse
                                                                                               % of
                                                                                     Cases             Median
                          Category            Description            Examples                   all
                                                                                    Reported             Loss
                                                                                               Cases 3
                      Asset            Any scheme that involves the theft  ¨  fraudulent invoicing.  1,038  91.5%  $150,000
                      Misappropriations  or misuse of an organization’s   Payroll fraud.
                                       assets.                   ¨
                                                                 ¨  Skimming revenues.
                      Corruption       Any scheme in which a person   ¨  Accepting or paying   349  30.8%  $538,000
                                       uses his or her influence in a   a bribe.
                                       business transaction to obtain an   engaging in a
                                       unauthorized benefit contrary to   ¨  business transaction
                                       that person’s duty to his or her   where there is an
                                                                   undisclosed conflict
                                                                   of interest.
                      Fraudulent       falsification of an organization’s   ¨  Booking fictitious   120  10.6%  $2,000,000
                      Statements       financial statements to make it   sales.
                                       appear more or less profitable.
                                                                 ¨  Recording expenses
                                                                   in the wrong period.

                      2 For cases that involved more than one major category of occupational fraud, we were unable to subdivide the losses to determine exactly how much was
                      attributable to each of the component schemes.
                      3 The sum of percentages in this table exceeds 100% because several cases involved schemes that fell into more than one category.

     10      ACFE Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud & Abuse
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