Page 153 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 153

Service (general)                               Anti-Fraud Measures in Small Businesses
          Overall, there was a low rate of anti-fraud measures em-  One of the reasons small businesses tend to suffer dispro-
          ployed by the general service organizations in our survey.   portionately large fraud losses may be because they tend
          External audits were utilized by 63% of service organiza-  not to have many established anti-fraud measures. A little
          tions, but no other anti-fraud control was reported in even   less than half of small businesses we examined had exter-
          half of the cases from this industry.           nal audits and no other anti-fraud measure was cited in
                                                          even 20% of small business cases. This may help explain
            Service (general) — 60 Cases                  why more small business frauds are detected by accident
                                                          than by any other means.
              Control     Cases     %
           External Audit  38     63.3%                            Small Business
           Internal Audit  24     40.0%                    (<100 Employees) — 381 Cases
           Fraud Training  18     30.0%
                                                             Control     Cases      %
           Surprise Audits  17    28.3%
                                                          External Audit  184    48.3%
           Hotline        9       15.0%
                                                          Internal Audit  73     19.2%
                                                          Fraud Training  55     14.4%
          Service (professional, scientific or technical)  Surprise Audits  38   10.0%
          Professional  service  organizations  were  even  less  likely
          than general service organizations to have established anti-  Hotline  31  8.1%
          fraud measures. Less than 40% of these organizations had
          external audits (the lowest rate for any industry) and each   Anti-Fraud Measures in Not-for-Profit Organizations
          of the other control mechanisms was cited in less than   Tips were the most common means by which frauds were
          one-third of our cases.                         detected in not-for-profit organizations, yet less than one-
                                                          third of the not-for-profits in our study had an established
           Service (professional, scientific              anonymous reporting mechanism. Fraud training and the
              or technical) — 58 Cases                    use of surprise audits were also ignored by the majority of
              Control     Cases     %
           External Audit  23     39.7%                     Not-for-profit Organizations
           Internal Audit  19     32.8%                            — 147 Cases
           Fraud Training  17     29.3%
                                                             Control     Cases     %
           Surprise Audits  15    25.9%
                                                          External Audit  104    70.7%
           Hotline        12      20.7%
                                                          Internal Audit  67     45.6%
                                                          Fraud Training  50     34.0%
                                                          Surprise Audits  47    32.0%
                                                          Hotline        33      22.4%

                                                                ACFE Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud & Abuse        1
   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158