Page 219 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 219

Financial Statement Fraud                    CFEs’ Ranking of Controls’ Importance
               certain controls, such as independent audits of the   in Detecting or Limiting Financial
               financial statements and of internal controls over fi-  Statement Fraud Schemes
               nancial reporting, are primarily targeted at detecting   Control       Average Score
               financial statement fraud schemes. However, when   Rewards for Whistleblowers  4.00
               asked to provide an opinion on the importance of   Internal Audit / FE Department  3.78
               the eight internal control mechanisms in detecting   Fraud Hotline     3.77
               and limiting the financial statement fraud that took   Surprise Audits  3.69
               place, the respondents ranked these controls well   Mandatory Job Rotation / Vacations  3.17
               below other controls not specifically aimed at this   Audit of F/S     2.93
               type of scheme. rewards for whistleblowers scored   Management Review of IC  2.84
               the highest, on average, followed by an internal au-  Audit of ICOFR   2.68
               dit or fraud examination department, and a formal
               fraud hotline.

               Control Weaknesses that Contributed to Fraud

               We also asked survey participants which of several circumstances they believed was the most important con-
               tributing factor that allowed the fraud to occur. lack of controls, absence of management review, and over-
               ride of existing controls were the three most commonly cited factors that allowed fraud schemes to succeed.

                                Primary Internal Control Weakness Observed by CFE       35.2%

                          Lack of Internal Controls
                  Most Important Contributing Factor  Lack of Independent Checks / Audits  1.3%  5.5% 7.2%  17.4%
                        Lack of Management Review
                        Override of Existing Controls
                             Poor Tone at the Top
                        Lack of Competent Oversight
                       Lack of Clear Lines of Authority
                     Lack of Employee Fraud Education
                        Lack of Reporting Mechanism  0.2%
                                        0%     5%    10%    15%   20%    25%    30%   35%    40%
                                                               Percent of Cases


                                                        2008 Report to the Nation on occupational Fraud and abuse
   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224