Page 285 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 285

Management certification                            Management Review
                      of Financial Statements                 Region                          percent of Cases
            Region                         percent of Cases   Asia                            59.4%
            Africa                         68.8%              Europe                          54.8%
            Canada                         65.7%              Canada                          53.5%
            Oceania                        65.0%              Africa                          52.7%
            Asia                           62.8%              Oceania                         52.5%
            Europe                         62.4%              United States                   51.6%
            United States                  56.0%              Central/South America and Caribbean  50.0%
            Central/South America and Caribbean  51.4%
                  Independent Audit committee                 Region                          percent of Cases
            Region                         percent of Cases   Central/South America and Caribbean  52.9%
            Africa                         63.4%              United States                   52.0%
            Canada                         59.6%              Africa                          47.3%
            Oceania                        57.5%              Europe                          45.9%
            Asia                           54.7%              Asia                            43.3%
            Central/South America and Caribbean  54.3%        Canada                          41.4%
            Europe                         54.1%              Oceania                         25.0%
            United States                  50.8%
                                                                           Fraud Training for
                   Employee Support Programs                             Managers/Executives
            Region                         percent of Cases   Region                          percent of Cases
            Canada                         57.6%              United States                   44.5%
            United States                  54.8%              Africa                          41.1%
            Oceania                        45.0%              Asia                            40.9%
            Africa                         38.4%              Europe                          37.6%
            Central/South America and Caribbean  30.0%        Central/South America and Caribbean  37.1%
            Europe                         28.0%              Canada                          30.3%
            Asia                           22.5%              Oceania                         25.0%

                   Fraud Training for Employees                             Anti-Fraud Policy
            Region                         percent of Cases   Region                          percent of Cases
            United States                  42.7%              Africa                          49.1%
            Africa                         39.3%              United States                   38.7%
            Europe                         37.6%              Central/South America and Caribbean  38.6%
            Asia                           37.2%              Canada                          38.4%
            Central/South America and Caribbean  32.9%        Asia                            36.6%
            Canada                         29.3%              Europe                          36.3%
            Oceania                        22.5%              Oceania                         32.5%

                                                                2010 RepoRt to the NAtioNs ON OccuPATIONAl FRAUD ANd AbuSE  |  41
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