Page 286 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 286
Victim organizations
Surprise Audits Job Rotation/Mandatory Vacation
Region percent of Cases Region percent of Cases
Asia 39.3% Asia 21.8%
Africa 30.4% Africa 20.5%
Canada 28.3% Europe 14.0%
United States 27.2% Canada 13.1%
Europe 24.8% United States 12.6%
Central/South America and Caribbean 24.3% Central/South America and Caribbean 11.4%
Oceania 15.0% Oceania 5.0%
Rewards for Whistleblowers
Region percent of Cases
Africa 9.8%
Asia 9.4%
United States 7.4%
Central/South America and Caribbean 5.7%
Canada 4.0%
Europe 3.8%
Oceania 2.5%
effectiveness of Controls
We compared the median loss experienced by those organizations that had a particular anti-fraud control against the
median loss for those organizations without that control at the time of the fraud. Hotlines were the control with the great-
est associated reduction in median loss, reinforcing their value as an effective anti-fraud measure. Employee support
programs, surprise audits and fraud training for staff members at all levels were also associated with median loss reduc-
tions of more than 50%. Interestingly, financial statement audits — the most commonly implemented control — was
among the controls with the smallest associated reduction in median loss.
42 | 2010 RepoRt to the NAtioNs ON OccuPATIONAl FRAUD ANd AbuSE