Page 584 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 584
THE COST OF Accordingly, providing a measure of the cost of fraud
is an incredibly important endeavor. It is also an
OCCUPATIONAL incredibly difficult one, given the number of unknown
factors required to make such an estimate. No one
FRAUD knows the amount of frauds that go undetected or
unreported, and even for those frauds that do come to
How much money do light, the full amount of loss might never be calculated.
Such limitations mean that any attempts to quantify
organizations lose as a the global amount of fraud will be imperfect.
result of fraud? Projecting Total Fraud Losses
Based on Imperfect Data
Anti-fraud professionals know just Even with these limitations on projecting the total
amounts lost to fraud, however, we know that such a
how devastating a fraud can be to projection has an important place in the fight against
its victims. But they are not the only fraud. Consequently, we asked survey participants,
ones who benefit from insight into based on their professional experience, what per-
centage of revenues they believe a typical organiza-
the amount of damage that fraud
tion loses to fraud each year. The median response
causes organizations and their stake- provided by these CFEs is that organizations lose 5%
holders. Business leaders need to of their annual revenues to fraud. While this number
understand how much is at stake is only a general estimate based on the opinions of
the CFEs who took part in our study, it represents the
as they assess their risks and make collective observations of more than 2,000 anti-fraud
resource-allocation decisions. Reg- experts who together have investigated hundreds
ulators need to determine where to of thousands of fraud cases. To place their estimate
in context, if the 5% loss estimate were applied to
focus their enforcement efforts. In-
the 2017 estimated Gross World Product of USD
vestors and customers need to make 79.6 trillion, it would result in a projected total global
informed decisions about where fraud loss of nearly USD 4 trillion. To be clear, this
to direct their own money. And the number is only an estimate and, given the limitations
described above, it is unlikely we will ever be able
media desires context and direction to calculate the true cost of fraud on a global scale.
for helping to raise awareness of the But we can be certain that the amount of damage is
issue to the general public. incredibly large, and this estimate, provided by an-
ti-fraud professionals who work to prevent and detect
fraud on a daily basis, helps give us some insight into
just how big the problem may be.
The Fraud Costs We Know
Determining total fraud losses—whether globally, re-
gionally, by industry, or even within a specific organiza-
tion—is outside the primary scope of our study. Instead,
we focus on analyzing known data to better under-
xx.html (retrieved March 22, 2018).
8 The Cost of Occupational Fraud Report to the Nations