Page 586 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 586
COMMITTED FIG. 3 How is occupational fraud committed?
What methods do
fraudsters use to
commit their schemes?
One of the goals of the first Report to the
Nation was to examine the methods by PERCENT OF C A SES 38%
which fraudsters commit their schemes,
and we have continued this line of study in
every subsequent report. Over the last two
decades, even with tremendous technolog- 10%
ical development and numerous changes in
the global business and regulatory environ-
ments, our research shows that occupation- Asset Corruption Financial
misappropriation statement fraud
al fraud falls into several time-tested cate-
gories. The taxonomy of these categories
is illustrated in the Occupational Fraud and
Abuse Classification System, also known as
the Fraud Tree, as depicted in Figure 4.
Categories of Occupational Fraud
Of the three primary categories of occupational fraud, MEDIAN L OSS
asset misappropriations are by far the most common,
occurring in 89% of the cases in our study. However,
they are also the least costly, causing a median loss of
USD 114,000. Corruption schemes are the next most
common form of occupational fraud; 38% of the cases
in our study involved some form of corrupt act. These
schemes resulted in a median loss to the victim organi-
zations of USD 250,000. The least common and most
costly form of occupational fraud is financial statement $800,000
fraud, which occurred in 10% of the cases and caused a
median loss of USD 800,000.
10 How Occupational Fraud Is Committed Report to the Nations