Page 68 - Wages, Salaries and Other Earnings
P. 68

Restricted Property

              Restricted Property                                 Dividends                                       Stock

            In most cases, if you receive               Dividends received on                       Stock you elected to
            property for your services, you             restricted stock.
            must include its fair market value                                                      include in income.
            in your income in the year you
            receive the property. However, if           Dividends you receive on restricted         Dividends you receive on restricted
            you receive stock or other property         stock are treated as compensation           stock you elected to include in your
            that has certain restrictions that          and not as dividend income. Your            income in the year transferred are
            affect its value, you don’t include         employer should include these               treated the same as any other
            the value of the property in your           payments on your Form W-2.                  dividends. Report them on your
            income until it has substantially                                                       return as dividends. For a
            vested. (Although you can elect to                                                      discussion of dividends, see Pub.
            include the value of the property in                                                    550, Investment Income and
            your income in the year it’s                                                            Expenses. For information on how
            transferred to you.) For more                                                           to treat dividends reported on both
            information, see Restricted                                                             your Form W-2 and Form 1099-DIV,
            Property in Pub. 525.                                                                   see Dividends received on
                                                                                                    restricted stock in Pub. 525.

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