Page 3 - The Lawyer Portal Sponsorship Brochure
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Sponsorship Opportunities

        About The Lawyer Portal

        The Lawyer Portal (TLP) is the definitive new platform for everyone considering a career in law,
        whatever their stage or background.

        Founded by lawyers and education experts, TLP is  officially partnered with the Bar Council and
        the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives - and already works with many leading law firms.

        We’re collaborating with organisations like yours to offer students free places at inspiring law
        events, as well as cutting-edge online content from the heart of the legal industry.

        The goal is to encourage and inform more budding lawyers from a wider range of

        Together, we can build a body of legal professionals that is more diverse - and stronger for it -
        while simultaneously strengthening your brand at the first opportunity.

        How We Can Help You

        The Lawyer Portal will ensure that you:

                      Crack the school                   Position yourself                 Build brand
                      market and engage                  at the forefront of               recognition and
                      with future lawyers                the diversity and                 loyalty at the
                      early                              inclusion agenda                  earliest juncture

        In order to achieve this, we have developed an exciting series of events and online offerings.
        There are also opportunities for all law firms to share editorial content completely free of

        We hope you’ll be as excited as we are to get involved and look forward to working with you!

        Learn more about The Lawyer Portal.

        Our Track Record

        TLP is the second venture of The Career Portal. The group’s first platform, The Medic Portal
        (TMP) in official partnership with the Royal Society of Medicine, is the UK’s leading ‘get into
        medicine’ resource, with over a million users.

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