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TLP Teacher Conferences
Influence the influencers. Make teachers aware of you and your offerings. Empower educators
from all school types - free and fee-paying - to better advise their lawyers of tomorrow.
By directly addressing teachers and careers advisors at our nationwide series of Teacher
Conferences, you can help to ensure that vital information about the pathways into law filters
down to those that need it the most.
Led by qualified lawyers and experienced legal educators, these events will provide a
comprehensive overview of law careers and routes to practice - including the traditional law
degree and conversion routes (with any relevant SQE updates), as well as the apprenticeship and
CILEx routes. Armed with this information, teachers and careers advisors will be perfectly placed
to provide targeted advice to students. We’re giving your organisation the chance to play a key
role in that crucial conversation!
TLP Teacher Conference 2018 Programme
London Birmingham Manchester
Wednesday 14 Tuesday 8 Wednesday 21
March 2018 May 2018 November 2018
A one-page Advertising Distribute Exhibition 15 minute Inclusion in all
feature in the on The Lawyer promotional stand at all speaker slot at promotional
Conference Portal website material / Conferences all Conferences and follow-up
Handbook brochures / correspondence
flyers Conferences
Learn more about TLP Teacher Conferences