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Sponsorship Opportunities
TLP Aspire
Engage with thousands of aspiring lawyers from schools around the UK - plus their parents and
advisors. Inspire the next generation, build your grassroots brand and offer free insights to all.
The Lawyer Portal’s ‘Aspire’ conferences are a series of 1-day events, taking place across the UK. If
you want to inspire the next generation of lawyers and position yourself at the heart of the diversity
agenda, then getting involved in TLP Aspire is a must!
Guest speakers include law firms, chambers, law schools, current law students and professional
bodies. You can address hundreds of students and parents at each event, covering different
subject matters related to the study and practice of law.
TLP Aspire 2018 Programme
London Birmingham Manchester Bristol London
Saturday 27 Saturday 3 Saturday 16 Saturday 22 Saturday 10
January 2018 March 2018 June 2018 September 2018 November 2018
A one-page Advertising Distribute Exhibition 15 minute Inclusion in
feature in the on The Lawyer promotional stand at all TLP speaker slot at promotional
TLP Aspire Portal website material / Aspire events all TLP and follow-up
Handbook brochures / Aspire events correspondence
flyers about TLP
Find out more about TLP Aspire