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Sponsorship Opportunities
Law Apprenticeships Conference
Are you getting involved in law apprenticeships? Then you’ll no doubt want to ensure you build
awareness about your organisation and your apprenticeship offerings. We can help you reach
your new target market!
Engaging with the school market to promote apprenticeship opportunities presents a challenge
for many organisations, who are more used to targeting older students. The Lawyer Portal and
its parent company, The Career Portal, works closely with thousands of schools and is perfectly
placed to offer a solution.
Our Law Apprenticeships Conference will take place in London on Saturday 17th March 2018.
It is a unique opportunity to showcase your apprenticeship opportunities, while informing your
key demographic about a relatively new route into legal practice.
TLP Law Apprenticeship Conference 2018
Saturday 17
March 2018
A one-page Advertising Distribute Exhibition 15 minute Inclusion in
feature in the on The Lawyer promotional stand at the speaker slot at promotional
Conference Portal website material / Conference the Conference correspondence
Handbook brochures / about the
flyers Conference
Learn more about our Law Apprenticeships Conference