Page 41 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 41

2 nd  plAce
          Lehlohonolo Coangae
          Grade 1a                                winneR
          Emeng primary school
                                                  Tshegofatso Phele
          My favourite pet                        Grade 5A
                                                  Boiteko Public School
          The name of my pet is Sporty.  Sporty
          is white in colour sporty plays with me.
          When I come back from school he comes
          to greet me at the gate and winks his tail   inteRmediAte phAse
          because of joy.

          Sporty loves me and I love Sporty.
                                                  My Hero
          3  plAce                                Behind every great daughter is a truly
          Neliswa Mathonsi                        amazing dad. The person i am writing about
          Grade 3                                 is a loving father, hardworking man and
          Phakamani primary school                a provider. He works at a garage, but he
                                                  has achieved more because of his creative
          My day ended with smiles                thinking. My dad loves his family very much.
                                                  He teaches us how to work hard and save
          It was Friday early in the morning. I woke   money.
          up and greet all my family members and
          no one says happy birthday. I think maybe   He did not go to college but he has his
          it is too early - they will tell me later.  It was   taxi business and manages his money very   He has achieved so much.  He has built a big
          afternoon but they didn’t tell me. I became   well. He is still working at the garage and   house for his family and bought three cars,
          angry because mom didn’t tell me and there   manages his small business at the same time.  a taxi, a corsa and avanza. He still wants to
          is no cake in the fridge. She used to throw a   When I ask him to buy something for me he   achieve more. When he talks to my mother
          birthday party for every year.          will ask me if you save half price of what you   you can hear that he has big plans to grow

          I decided to go to bed. When I woke up I   want, I will meet you half way. He always   his business. He has given someone a job so
          saw a tent with white and pink colours. But   tries to find ways to make us happy and to   that a man can also work for his family.
          there was no one in the tent. There was a   use money wisely.
          big cake, flowers and beautiful chairs. When I                                  I learn a lot from my father every day. When
          turn around they shouted surprise. I became   He is very strict when coming to the use of   you work hard to achieve your dreams
          happy to see my dad. After a while I ran   money, but at times he will spoil us, buy toys   anything is possible and you have to be
          away to dad and mom came and say happy   for me, phones for my brother and sister. He   persistent if you want something. He always
          birthday. She gave me a big beautiful doll.  loves delicious foods a lot. He sometimes   tells me, my sister and brother that he works
                                                  gives us money to go to the park and enjoy   hard so that we can finish school and study
          There was a pastor who blessed my birthday.   ourselves, but during the year he will remind   until university. He said we must dream big
          He also taught me how to respect my     us to save so that when December comes we  and be prepared to work hard to achieve our
          parents. This was the most interesting   will have enough to spend as much as we   dreams and desires. I am very proud of my
          moment of my life.
                                                  want.                                   father. Above all he is my hero.
          My day ended with smiles.

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