Page 43 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 43


          Kegomoditswe Seleke
          Grade 9
          Lodirile secondary school

          get phAse

          The experience of overcoming            like, my wardrobe is
          fear                                    full of out dated old
                                                  fashioned clothes.
          Fear. It’s a four letter word that has
          the power to change a person life in a   My journey of overcoming
          tremendous way. It has changed my life in   that fear began when I
          a way that I have become wiser and more   was scrolling through the
          vigilant in everything I do.            pictures on my phone and I
                                                  came across a picture that was
          While some people are afraid of spider,   captioned, Be you, do you, love you.
          snakes, closed spaces and foreigners, I had   I literally stopped scrolling and looked
          an unusual fear and that was the fear of   at that picture for a very long time. That
          not fitting in. I was always worried about   picture had only six words but it said a lot
          fitting in, being like everyone else, being   to me. I went to the local internet cafe and
          liked and accepted in the modern society.   used my pocket money to have that picture
          I was constantly comparing myself with   printed out. I took the picture and put it in
          other people. In my eyes, I was never good   my bedside drawer and I would look at it
          enough. Every time I told myself that I’m   every morning when, I woke up and every
          at my best, something or someone in my   night before I went to sleep. In that way I
          head just told me to try harder. I would   would keep reminding myself of how much I
          ask my mother for money to buy clothes   wanted to overcome this fear.
          even though I knew that she didn’t have it
          because she was not working at that time.  The picture helped me in many ways. It
                                                  helped me in terms of how I see life. I
          I had become a big pot of insecurity.   realised that I have to live for myself and
          Nothing I did was ever right, or at least that’s   nobody else. I started expressing myself
          what I thought. I sometimes came up with   through poetry. I write and recite poems
          excuses, when my friends wanted to go out   whenever I feel uneasy or just when I feel
          with me because I felt like I’m not looking   the need to express myself.
          good enough or what will people say when
          they see me wearing unfashionable clothes?  Now I live for myself, I’m doing my own
                                                  thing and I don’t worry about fitting in. After
          The fuel to my undying fire of fear was   all, I was born to stand out.
          media. There were some shows that I used
          to watch where they would show all the
          latest trends so in my mind. I was always

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