Page 47 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 47

2 nd  plAce
          Sibanyoni Nosiphosethu
          Grade 12
          Emjindini Senior Secondary

          The Experience of Overcoming            of Learners. To my surprise, my name was   minutes.
          My Fear                                 pinned on the notice board. I knew Kelly   Listening to the other presentations was
                                                  had nominated me and I was furious. The
          Every human has a prison. A prison without   principal summoned all the nominees to   nerve-wrecking as I was the last speaker. My
          walls or security, a prison worse than even   the foyer where he told us to prepare our   turn came, I was so anxious, I could hear my
          death that only exists in our minds. Most   campaign speeches for Friday assembly. I   heartbeat like an African drum. My stomach
          of us are unable but those who do, find   was startled, I knew I had to face my fear and   was in knots, my knees were vigorously
          everlasting freedom. That prison is called   only had three days to do so. Kelly assured   shaking and my palms profusely sweating.
          fear.                                                                           I went closer to the microphone, closed
                                                  me that I was going to nail it and it was time   my eyes for a second, took a deep breath,
          Growing up I was one of the thousands who   to come out of my comfort zone.     cleared my throat, and then started talking.
          have glossophobia. I was a shy, nerdy girl   I went home and told my mother. She was
          who loved reading and singing but only   overwhelmed and she offered her help. The   It was as if my speech was prepared for
          sang at home and when I was with Kelly,   following three days were the most hectic   the king. I was perfectly flowing just like
          my best friend. My classmates were friendly,   days of my life. I was patiently coached   Kelly anticipated. After my presentation,
          but some took advantage of my shyness   on how to present myself in front of my   everyone was on their feet applauding. I felt
          and bullied me. Kelly would always be at my   audience, my body posture and on my   like royalty. I was proud of myself. I won and
          rescue.                                                                         became the school president.
                                                  breathing patterns.
          I always had trouble with oral presentation.   It was then Friday. I dressed best in my   From that moment I gained courage, I learnt
          I was always the last one to present, but   school uniform, my mother wished me   that running away from your problem is not
          always rendered the best speeches. I would   luck and I was off to school. Inside the   a solution, as the saying goes “he who fights
          always wish I was just like my vibrant, fearless   school’s auditorium, the whole school was   and runs away lives to fight another day”.
          and enthusiastic best friend.                                                   When you overcome your fears you gain
                                                  sited according to the respective rankings.   strength to face bigger problems later in life,
          We were in the tenth grade when it was   The principal introduced us and gave us   and you become free.
          time to choose our Representative Council   the platform, each speaker was given five

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