Page 46 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 46
Nxangani Mpone Jeanette
Gr 12A
Kgabareng Secondary School
fet phAse
The Door attractive. While others are old and weak. the answers was the door but it could not
Whether real or imaginary, they all do the speak. My father was indeed a great man
Very strong, rigid and firm. Some of them same function. To open and to close. surely the heavens doors will be opened for
are well painted, his soul. Unless the door knows something I
new and Behind closed doors abuse is witnessed. do not know.
People’s true feelings are revealed but
the door cannot do anything with that. I Every time I looked at the door knob I saw
remember one day behind the door, my the top screw as the eyes, the handle as
parents were shouting at each other. The a nose and key hole as a mouth. It looked
other one had found secrets and bad like a face that would tell me something,
deeds of the other. During a heated maybe why my parents were fighting that
argument, my father decided to open day. I got tired of waiting for it to tell me
the door and closed it very harshly. the truth. I decided to close some chapters
The very same door had to listen to and move on. I focused more on my studies
them quarrel and throw accusations and performed very well. The good results
that showed betrayal and total opened many doors for me. It came back
dishonesty. My father never got a and made sense, my father closed the door
chance to open the door he had of his life but I opened many doors for me.
closed. It came back and made sense, my father
closed the door of his life but I opened a
After a while I heard somebody
knocking like a policeman on duty. I door of success for myself.
had no choice but to open the door. I In conclusion I would say, with each and
wish not to have opened it because of every door you might come across, handle it
the news that came with opening it. One with care. Remember to open or close it for
thing I heard from the long story was that the right reasons. One amazing object, the
my father is no more. I wanted to ask my door!
mother but I could not because she was in
extreme pain. The only thing that knew all