Page 42 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 42
2 nd plAce
Lwazi Dhlamini
Grade 6
Isu’lihle Primary School
My day ended with a smile bought new bigger clothes. time to explain, but daddy had to rush. By
then, my mum wasn’t looking too well.
I was about eight years old and living with I became worried when mummy told me
my parents. My mother tummy was growing that she was staying at home because she I was left with my neighbour. When they left,
very big. I was surprised and I asked her why couldn’t work anymore. I thought that I was sad. Later on that day, in the afternoon,
her tummy was getting very bigger. She mummy was dying. I even suggested that my neighbour took me home and told me
would laugh and say it was because she ate we went and see the doctor because I didn’t that my parents were coming back. I was
a lot those days. want her to die, but she promised me that happy and after we got home, my parents
she was well. I wanted to believe her, but arrived. My father was carrying a baby. I
I was worried about my mother and I I was worried and still my father was not asked who that was. My mum replied and
thought that, what if her tummy kept seeing anything wrong. said it was my little brother who had been
growing and ends up exploding. She never in her tummy all the time. I wanted to hold
looked like she was sick or anything. I think A few weeks after mummy stopped going to him, but they said I could only kiss him.
that made me to feel better, but I asked work, my father told me one morning that
myself why was my daddy not worried about he had to rush mum to the clinic because What a day it was and it ended up with great
that thing I was seeing in mum. Maybe he she wasn’t feeling well. I said but mummy smiles. So babies make tummies grow, I
didn’t see her, but how? Mummy had even promised that she was well. There was no thought.
3 plAce
Kgomotso Tshabalala
Grade 6b
Ntswanatsatsi primary school
My hero ones ensure the safety and best interest of without asking anything in return. She has
her family. Other people in her situation done it all out of the good of her good heart.
A hero is someone whom you look up to, have quit and given up. But my mom fought I have never heard her complaining about
someone that you can model yourself. hard for our family with virtually no help getting me from baseball or getting my
Someone who sets an example for you and from anyone else my mother raised my brother from soccer. She did it because she
someone with a good set of morals and brother and me. This has been a very taxing wanted the best for my brother and me. No
values. My mom is that person to me. She task for her and looking back upon it. I am one else helped me like her
has always been there for me, always tried to thankful that she has always been there for
provide the best for me, even in hard times. me. She is my hero because she motivated me.
She is the strongest person that i know and Without my mom i would not have had any
exhibits all the qualities of a leader and a In addition, my mom always inspired me. of the values that she has instilled in me over
hero. She has been setting example for me to the years i will never be able to repay my
follow sine i was little. She has been there to mother for that she has given to me and the
She is my role model I really adore her. I will set rules for me and guide me. She has been things that she has done for me. I can only
like to be like her because she has never there to catch me when i fall and to help one day hope to be a big hero for my own
done wrong in my eyes. She always makes me get back up when i need it. She did all children.
the decision that put others first and the