Page 32 - 2022 June Report
P. 32

June Report 2022
PACKS meetings report
June 2, 2022
  Kristine Webb, Educational Consultant for JSF
Bobby Krause, King Jordan, Bea Awoniyi, Lady Hereford, Sharon Wood Michelle Shaw from Florida Atlantic University
Deborah McCarthy from University of South Florida
There were two separate meetings in order to discuss details and any questions with the representatives of each of the two universities. For both meetings, Kris started by explaining her background, including her work at the University of North Florida as the Director of their Access Center. She explained that she had been able to implement “bits and pieces” of this concept, but never the whole program. She then moved into explaining what PACKS entails, using the attached sheet.
The overall idea is to improve employment outcomes for college students with disabilities through their involvement in a structured program over the 4 years of their college experience. An important component of the PACKS program is mentorship by professionals in the field of study. While Career Service Center or other mentors are helpful, having someone with actual, current experience is a whole different level. Kris believes, and studies back her thesis, that professional mentors, coupled with meaningful internships within a field, are powerful tools. Kris noted that several college disciplines already incorporate internships, preceptors and professional mentors in their programs. (Teaching, nursing, school counselors, for example.)
A PACKS Team would consist of 2 freshman, 2 sophomores, 1 junior, 1 senior, possibly 1 grad student (as a mentor) and an industry professional. The thought is that the freshmen and sophomores could be 1 from the university and 1 from a feeder state college. Each PACKS Team would be made up of students from a specific discipline of study, like accounting or engineering. There would need to be a PACKS Specialist to oversee the program.
Kris ended her presentation by noting that PACKS could be a valuable tool for the universities as they strive to meet the State mandates regarding connecting freshmen with the Career Services Center, student retention and graduation rates as well as post-graduation employment statistics.
Bobby shared that it is unusual for JSF to be presenting a program for consideration, but that consideration is all that this is. The JSF Grant Program Committee is interested to find a University to partner in a version of the PACKS model. King echoed the value of institutional commitment in our search for partner. Michell and Deborah were assured that if their institutions were not interested, JSF would hold no hard feelings. This concept is being presented to the JSF contacts at the Access Centers, but the decision makers would need to be at the university administration level. Bobby explained that this idea of a pilot project is being presented to just a few universities, not every school in the SUSF system.
Kris explained that FAU is on the Foundation’s short list for a potential home for a PACKS pilot project because of the university’s history of employing best practices and innovative work, and because Michelle is personally well regarded by her peers.
Michelle’s response was enthusiastic, noting that FAU is already using the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Competency Skills. The PACKS program aligns perfectly with that. She mentioned that her office has a liaison in Career Services, and the two offices are trying to encourage students to do internships. She said she liked everything she heard and was anxious to get in touch were her boss as quickly as possible.
Kris explained that USF is on the Foundation’s short list for a potential home for a PACKS pilot project because of the university’s history of employing best practices and innovative work, and because Deb is

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