Page 32 - July JSF report
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Recruitment this year was a team effort which resulted in significant growth of the program. An example of community partnering occurred when TSIC brought in ten new students from the Boys and Girls Club. Club schools increased recruitment by holding recruitment lunches. By collaborating with the TSIC School Coordinators, program students were selected to provide orientation to potential students during their lunch times, while JSP provided lunch for those that participated. This has yielded many recruits from schools such as Santaluces High, Palm Beach Lakes High, Jupiter High, and William T. Dwyer High School. By mid-June, a total of 209 new students have been admitted into the program since July 1, 2022. This well surpassed our projected goal of 125 students. We exceeded our projected goal for the upcoming 2026 freshman class, with a total of 142 students.
FCAN: Level UP: Strengthening FGCS Support Systems
The Florida College Access Network hosted this year’s Talent Strong Florida Summit in Tampa, Florida, from April 26th to April 28th of this year. The leadership team of TSIC, JSP, and members of the Johnson Scholars Foundation Board were able to receive important information that could help more effectively service our students. Standouts from the conference include the introduction of Level All. This program provides a digital platform that connects students to resources and toolkits for success while in high school, planning for college, and life skills development. TSIC is currently researching the possibility of utilizing this platform within its programming.
Much of the information helped to bring focus to our program’s goal of empowering our students with the skills and knowledge that would lead them to successfully access and complete a post-secondary education. One presentation, “How to better reach First-Generation College Students,” was very informative about how to reach this population and to be intentional and consistent with your approach. FAU’s Keven Allen, Director of Development for the Kelly Strul Emerging Scholars Program, explained changes he had to make in order to get buy-in by his FGCS student population. Take-a-ways included: allow students to gather outside of school, communicate with them in what is familiar to them-social media, and remain unwavering with your support.
The Dream Team: Johnson Scholars Program, Take Stock in Children, and The Johnson Scholarship Foundation attending FCAN, 2023 in Tampa, Florida.
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