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Welcome to the Healthy Schools Virtual Conference where school staff from around the
         country come together to learn and interact, virtually. We’ve packaged the top rated on-demand
         trainings from the Healthy Schools Program with exciting live, virtual keynote discussion panels and
         organized everything into easy to access learning tracks specially curated for your school role.

                                           Choose your learning track below,
                      or select specific trainings that will help your school advance wellness goals.

                                                               Designed specifically for physical educators,
                                                               the Move More “conference within a
                                                               conference” will arm you with the knowledge,
                                                               tools and confidence to get students moving
                                                               more. CEU credit available (see pages 5-6).

                                                               Designed specifically for nutrition service staff,
                                                               the Eat Better “conference within a conference”
                                                               will arm you with the knowledge, tools and
                                                               confidence to get students eating better.

                                                               Designed specifically for classroom teachers
                                                               and school staff, the Healthy Students Learn
                                                               Better conference within a conference” will arm
                                                               you with the knowledge, tools and confidence
                                                               to provide healthful snacks and opportunities
                                                               for more physical activity throughout the school
                                                               day. CEU credit available (see pages 5 and 7).

         For questions about the conference, please email
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