Page 8 - 2017 Healthy Schools Virtual Conference_Neat
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Designed specifically classroom teachers and school staff, the Healthy Students Learn Better
         CEU learning track will arm you with the knowledge, tools and confidence to get students moving
         more.  Follow the CEU registration process on page 5 and start your learning for earning “0.5” CEU.

                         Join us Live:

                                                                         Award Winning Strategies to Get
                         Award Winning Strategies to Eat Better
                                                                         Students to Move More
                         Tuesday, November 14, 2017                                  Thursday, November 16, 2017
                         3:00 EST / 2:00 CDT                             5:00 EST/ 4:00 CDT
                         Get inspired by a live panel discussion with award-winning  Get inspired by a live panel discussion with two award
                         school wellness leaders hosted by National Nutrition   -winning school wellness leaders hosted by National
                         Expert, Carol Chong. Join to hear creative solutions for   Physical Education and Physical Activity expert, Lisa
                         increasing meal participation and getting students to eat   Perry. Join to hear creative solutions that actually
                                                                         work for getting students to move more.

                        Access  the  specially curated Healthy Students Learn Better CEU  learning
                         Recorded Trainings—complete at your convenience through November 30, 2017
                           Before, During and After School Physical Activity - .5 hours
                           Indoor Recess Strategies - .5 hours

                           A Walkthrough of the Smart Food Planner -.25 hours
                           Candy Here, Candy There: Proposing Alternatives to Foods as Rewards -.25 hours

                           But, It's Just a Cupcake - .17 hours
                           Implementing, Monitoring, and Communicating Your Wellness Policy - .5 hours
                           Work Smarter, Not Harder -.5 hours
                           Recruiting the All Star Team: Tips and Tools for Building Support - .5 hours

                           Connect and Communicate with a community of  individuals focused on
                            promoting student health through the “Learn to Move” or “Wellness Policy Place”
                            online learning communities. This will be demonstrated through four posts (comments,
                            questions or responses) within the identified communities (4 posts/0.25 hour each).

                         Make a Plan, Make it Happen
                         Take what you’ve learned and use the Healthy Schools Program’s tools to put it all into action.
                         The Action Plan is your personal map to school wellness and even includes resources to help
                         you along your way.  Make sure your school’s Action Plan has been updated this school year.
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