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Designed specifically for classroom teachers and school staff, the Healthy Students Learn
Better “conference within a conference” will arm you with the knowledge, tools and confi-
dence to provide healthful snacks and opportunities for more physical activity throughout
the school day.
Join us Live:
Award Winning Strategies to Get
Award Winning Strategies to Eat Better
Students to Move More
Tuesday, November 14, 2017 Thursday, November 16, 2017
3:00 EST / 2:00 CDT 5:00 EST/ 4:00 CDT
Get inspired by a live panel discussion with award-winning Get inspired by a live panel discussion with two award
school wellness leaders hosted by National Nutrition -winning school wellness leaders hosted by National
Expert, Carol Chong. Join to hear creative solutions for Physical Education and Physical Activity expert, Lisa
increasing meal participation and getting students to eat Perry. Join to hear creative solutions that actually
work for getting students to move more.
Access On Demand Trainings, Anywhere, Anytime
Before, During and After Learn strategies and ideas to successfully infuse physical activity into the
School Physical Activity educational experience.
Indoor Recess Strategies Recess offers students regular opportunities to practice and improve essential
skills such as decision-making, managing emotions that support learning, and
improve cognitive learning. This training provides strategies and resources to
assist staff in successfully conducting indoor recess.
A Walkthrough of the Overview of the smart food planner site with screenshots.
Smart Food Planner
A Candy Here, A Candy Learn how using food as a reward or punishment creates unhealthy food
There: Proposing habits that stick with kids for life. Discover alternatives for using food as a
Alternatives to Foods as reward and develop a plan to educate your families and staff.
But, It's Just a Cupcake Classroom parties can have a cumulative effect over the course of a school
year. Learn about strategies for changing celebrations and how to engage
students and parents .
Make a Plan, Make it Happen
Take what you’ve learned and use the Healthy Schools Program’s tools to put it all into action. The
Action Plan is your personal map to school wellness and even includes resources to help you along
Interested in earning “0.5” CEUs for developing the skills necessary to get students to move more
and eat better? Check out our Healthy Students Learn Better CEU Curriculum Track.