Page 11 - HandbookMarch1
P. 11
Population: 2.148 million
Area: 40.7 sq. miles (about the same as Harlingen!)
Demographics: One of most diverse in Europe: 20.3% of residents are immigrants
Largest minorities: Algerian, Portuguese, Moroccan, Tunisian
Life Expectancy: 82.4 years (it’s 78.5 in TX!)
Religion: Primarily Catholic, but a large growing Muslim population
Annual tourism: In 2018, 17.95 international visitors
Politics: Multiple parties (10 at least) requiring coalition governments.
Current President is Emmanuel Macron, a centrist
250 BCE: Celtic settlement
52 BCE: Roman conquest
508 CE: Clovis, King of Franks, makes Paris the capital
1431 CE: Henry VI of England crowned King of France
1436 CE: The English are expelled
1594 CE: Henry IV coronation, 1st Bourbon King
1682 CE: Louis XIV moves court to Versailles
1789 CE: French Revolution begins
1793 CE: Reign of Terror and execution of King Louis XVI
1804 CE: Napoleon becomes emperor
1815 CE: Bourbon restoration
1830 CE: Bourgeois Revolution, Louis-Phillipe, Citizen King
1848 CE: Revolution, Louis-Napoleon
1871 CE: Paris Commune, 10 weeks of worker rule
1900 CE: First Métro line opens
1914-1918 CE: WWI
1939-1945 CE: WWII
1958 CE: Fall of Fourth Republic, Charles-de-Gaulle becomes president