Page 8 - HandbookMarch1
P. 8
Pre-Departure Information
FLIGHTS: withdrawing every day.
Departure: Monday, May 18th Another option is a credit card that offers a “no for-
Group vans leave TAMUK 13:00h (1PM) eign transaction fee” policy. Be sure to double-check
BA 196, IAH-LHR, 20:35h this policy is in effect for your card, and remember you
BA 316 , LHR-CDG, 14:25h (05/19) will still have to pay it back when you get home!
Arrive in Paris Tuesday, May 19th, 16:45h Either way, it is a good idea to carry at least a little cash
Return: Friday, May 29th with you. While most restaurants and vendors accept
BA 307, CDG-LHR, 10:30h cards, splitting a check, buying small souvenirs worth
BA 197, LHR-IAH, 14:15h just a couple Euros, and doing laundry are all easier
Arrive in Houston 18:35PM with some cash/change.
Group vans return to TAMUK @ Midnight *Don’t forget to let your bank/credit card compa-
ny know in advance that you will be overseas!
ACCOMODATIONS: Otherwise they may put a hold on your card.
Generator Hostel, Paris **Make sure you know your debit card daily with-
9-11 Place du Colonel Fabien, 75010 Paris, France drawal limits.
+33 1 70 98 84 00 COMMUNICATION:
my-business&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=hostel- Wifi is available for free at the hostel and at most at-
Paris tractions and cafés in Paris. It makes communicating
Dr. Janzen is staying at Rue Lally-Tollendal, 75019, with home easy and FREE through Facebook, What’s
Paris (10m walk away) App or Skype.
Alternatively, you can talk to your cell phone provider
GETTING AROUND: about a temporary international plan but I really don’t
Your Navigo passes are good for unlimited travel within think that’s necessary. I will have one engaged on my
Paris, including to and from the airport as well as sev- phone so that you and your families can reach me in
eral suburban sights such as Versailles and Paris Disney. case of emergency. I regularly travel internationally
They are valid for one week, so we will have to renew and leave my phone in airplane mode (wifi ON) for
for our second week. The station nearest the hostel is weeks, if not months at a time.
Colonel Fabien which services subway line 2, but an-
other station, Jaurès is just a couple of minutes walk PACKING:
away as well, and services subway lines 2, 5 and 7B. British Airways permits:
Métro map 1 checked bag (50lbs MAX)
*35.5 x 29.5 x 16in
Do not risk traveling with large amounts of money and 2 carry-on bags, medium and small
cash. Your debit card will easily work at bank ma- *22 x 18 x 10in
chines in France; just plan accordingly so you are not *16 x 12 x 6in