Page 9 - HandbookMarch1
P. 9


            Pre-Departure Information

          PACKING (cont.)                                      CONTACTS:
          Remember that you will have to lug all your bags on   My phone will work while we are overseas, and
          the métro to and from the airport.  So pack as light as  you or your family can reach me any time at (917)
          possible.                                            621-5295, by email,
          Any liquids that you wish to take with you on the plane  or through Facebook.
          (as opposed to checked, under the plane) must fit into
          a quart-sized plastic zip bag, and be no larger than 3oz.  In the event of emergency, here are a couple other use-
          For additional info:            ful numbers:
          There is a suggested check-list on the next page, for
          your consideration.                                  Emergency Services (911): 112

          CLOTHES:                                             TAMUK International Studies: +1 (361) 593-3558
          The weather in Paris is likely to range from 50-75F
          during the day, but could drop quite a bit cooler in the  TAMUK School of Music: +1 (361) 593-2803
          evenings.  Bring clothes you can layer/remove
          throughout the day, and be prepared for some light   TAMUK UPD: +1 (361) 593-2611
          rain.  A few items of concert-attire will be required,
          and great walking shoes!!!                           TAMUK Dean of Students: +1 (361) 593-3606
          *Remember there are laundry facilities at the hostel!
                                                               US Dept. of State Hotline: +1 (202) 647-5225
          European sockets pump out 220 volts, unlike Ameri-   Overseas Citizens’ Services: +1 (202) 501-4444
          can 110, and accept two round prongs in lieu of rec-
          tangular shaped prongs.  I will provide adaptors for   US Embassy in Paris: +33 1 43 12 22 22
          each room, but you are also welcome to bring your
          own.  Hairdryers and electric razors need a special ad-  Mexican Embassy in Paris: +33 1 53 70 27 70
          ditional adaptor because they draw more power; I’ll
          make sure there is a hairdryer for each room, but may-
          be stick to a disposable razor for this trip.

          Remember that this IS a class, and both reading and
          written assignments must be completed throughout the
          trip.  The syllabi are included at the end of this hand-
          book in the Appendix.
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