Page 14 - HandbookMarch1
P. 14


            Basic Language Skills


             Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner       Le petit déjeuner (loe petee day-juhnay)/ Le déjeuner (loe day-juhnay)/
                                          Le souper (loe soopay)
             Juice….orange/apple          Jus (joo)….d’orange (dohrahnje)/de pomme (deuh pohm)

             Egg                          Oeuf (ohf)
             Sausage                      Saucisse (soh-cease)

             Coffee/tea                   Café/thé (cafay/tay)
             Milk/Sugar                   Du lait (dew lay)/ Du sucre (dew soocre)

             Sandwich (Sanweech):         Croque-monsieur (croc-muhsiuhr): Ham and cheese
                                          Croque-madame: Ham and cheese with an egg

             Soup:               patates = potato; pois (pwah)= pea; carottes=carrot;
                                          épinards (aypeenar) = spinach; potiron (poheerohn) = squash
             Salad: (saladhe)             Chèvre chaud (shehvre shoh): With warm goat cheese
                                          Niçoise (neeswawz): Beans, tuna, potatoes

             Meat plate:                  Assiette de charcuterie (assee-ehte deuh sharcooteree)

             Cheese plate:                Assiette de fromage (assee-ehte deuh frohmahj)
             Quiche                       Quiche (keesh): Egg pie, with other ingredients

             A glass of red/white wine    Un verre de vin rouge/blanc (Uhn vehr deuh vehn rooj/blahn)
             Cheers!                      Salut! (sah-loo!)

             Appetizer/ Main Course/      Entrée (entray)/ Plat (plah)/ Dessert (daysehr)

             Chicken/Duck/Veal/Pig        Poulet (poolay)/ Canard (canarr)/ Veau (voh)/ Cochon (cohshohn)

             Shrimp/Lobster/Tuna/         Crevettes (coevehte)/ Homard (ohmar)/ Thon (tohn)/ Saumon
             Salmon                       (sohmohn)

             I’m full!                    J’ai trop mangé! (jay troh mahn-jay!)

             Sparkling/Flat/Tap Water  L’eau pétillante/plate/de robinet (loh pay-tee-yahnt/plaht/roh-beenay)
             The check                    L’addition (ladd-ees-ee-ohn)

             Tip                          La pourboire (la poor-bwawre)
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