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Useful Apps
All Currency Converter - Toilets in Paris
Money Exchange Rates
This app allows you to flag and compare Toilets In Paris is an application that
multiple currencies, and updates to the show all positions of public toilets
stock market automatically when wifi (Sanisettes) in Paris. You can make a
connected. search around your position or a search
by address. Moreover, the application
Available through Google Play. can work without Internet
FREE Available through Google Play.
The Fork
A tripadvisor-owned app, this app
helps find and reserve a table at
restaurants across Europe, often with
deep discounts.
Available through Google Play.
Metro Map: Paris (Offline)
No typing is necessary when you
Offline line maps for Paris (RATP). It
includes a complete set of offline maps for use SayHi — simply speak into your
metro, bus, night bus, airport access, RER device and the app will translate and then
and transiliens from the official RATP transcribe a message to be seen and heard
sources. by your counterpart. SayHi has 90
No internet connection required. languages and dialects covered, and even
You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll around. allows you to choose the speed at which
your translated voice will be expressed.
Available through Google Play.
Available through Google Play.