Page 18 - HandbookMarch1
P. 18


            Cultural Tips

          GREETINGS: When entering a store, or engaging        GROCERIES: Stores are laid our similarly to the
          someone in conversation, ALWAYS greet them first.   U.S., with areas for dairy, vegetables, dried goods, etc.
          Just a simple bonjour is fine.  If you get to know some-  The local corner stores are much smaller than an HEB,
          one quite well, they may greet you with a bise; a light   but there are also larger  “megastores” such as Mono-
          kiss on each cheek.                                  prix, which are more like a Walmart, often split into
                                                               multiple floors (Space is tight!)  Shopping bags are
          TIME: The French follow a 24 hour clock.  Paris is 7
          hours ahead of Texas.                                NOT free, and you will be required to pay a few extra
                                                               “sous” for any plastic bags you need for your groceries.
          MONEY: Credit cards as well as cash are accepted     So pack a small reusable bag with you!
          almost everywhere.  Any bank card with a chip is easily   The two largest and easiest chains to find are Carrefour
          used at French banks.                                and Monoprix.

          RESTAURANTS: Many restaurants are closed on          SUBWAY: Your passes give you unlimited rides on
          Mondays.  Most take reservations online and if you are   the métro.  Be warned, however, that it does close,
          eating dinner at peak time (7-9PM), are recommended.    usually around 1:30am, but earlier on Sundays.  Keep
          While many restaurants close between lunch and din-  your pass in an easy-access but safe pocket, as you may
          ner (approximately 2-7PM), the neighborhood bistro is   need to use it multiple times if transferring.
          open all day long, serving coffee, traditional French
          food, wine and wifi!                                 TAXI: These are expensive in Paris, but there is UB-
          ***Refills of soda or coffee are NOT free.           ER, so if you plan not to bother (foolishly!) with public
                                                               transportation while out on your own, be sure to
          COFFEE: Is almost always espresso.  If you prefer    download the app.
          American style coffee, just ask for a café allongé (ah-lohn-
          jay)...essentially an espresso with extra water added.   SAFETY: Paris, indeed much of Europe, and any big
                                                               city, is known for its pickpockets.  Be smart about your
          ALCOHOL & DRUGS: The legal age to drink alco-        personal space: stay aware of your surroundings and
          hol in France is 18.                                 people standing too close.  Keep your bags strapped
          ***ALL other recreational drugs are illegal in France,   across your body, or between your feet on the subway.
          and violations come with heavy legal penalties.      Keep your valuables in an inner pocket and remove
          MEASUREMENTS:                                        them only when absolutely necessary.  When we are
          France uses the metric system.  Drinks are sold in cl   visiting crowded places such as the Eiffel Tower or
          (centiliters) and meats are sold in gr (grams).      Sacré-Coeur, be especially vigilant and beware of any-

          15cl = Standard glass of wine                        one trying to distract you.
          75cl = Standard bottle of wine (3/4 liter)
          47cl = Pint glass                                    PASSPORT: Leave this locked in your hostel locker.
          10cl = Shot glass                                    Bring another form of ID with you just in case, but
          1/4lb = 115grams                                     you are unlikely to need it.
          1/2lb = 250grams
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