Page 9 - UHN-RR2022
P. 9
How do you help enable world-class research? What inspires you in your role?
I work behind the scenes in UHN’s corporate I love translating insights from the clinic to the
office to help ensure that research runs smoothly. lab. One of my projects stemmed from the finding
I accelerate approvals, coordinate meetings and that treatment responses differ among patients
schedules, and promote staff wellness so that our with a deadly form of blood cancer. By combining
research teams can focus on making clinically clinical observations with molecular profiles of
important discoveries. UHN researchers are cancer cells, our lab is explaining these differences.
highly innovative and collaborative—qualities that Our discoveries could yield personalized therapies,
spur exceptional science. and I am thrilled to be part of this important work.
What are your interests outside the lab? How do you contribute to A Healthier World?
I am a content creator on YouTube, Instagram and I am a writer specializing in health care
TikTok. Through this work, I collaborate with communications. For two decades, I have been
companies to promote products in the food, beauty part of a UHN-wide effort to raise $2 billion
and clothing industries. Balancing research and for research, education and patient care. UHN is
social media activities can be challenging, but I home to world-leading specialists who are making
often apply transferable skills that I gain in one groundbreaking discoveries that improve health.
role, such as time management and idea pitching, I share stories to inspire and thank the generous
to advance the other. donors who make medical breakthroughs possible.