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T he world is changing… it is different from how it was yesterday, and different again to
how it will be tomorrow. These are indisputable facts.
There will of course remain many constants… but consider that in 2035 and beyond, it
is likely that virtually all countries around the world will not buy or use fossil fuels, and that in
2028 the last internal combustion engine will be manufactured.
The Paris Accord and zero percent CO emissions target is serious, and aims to combat
climate change and accelerate and intensify the actions and investments needed for a
sustainable low carbon future.
We know what we have, as mankind, done to our planet... and we know that to save humanity
and our world, we need to reinvent ourselves, our businesses and our economy. We need to
create “Green” solutions that ensure we stop heating our planet, stop producing single use
products and packaging, and begin to eliminate wasteful and toxic bi-products that clog and
poison our environment.
There are of course many important changes that need to occur in all economies and
societies around the world… so we can improve the balance between technological
advancement of humanity as our extended family, and preservation of nature and the planet
we call home.
Economic forecasters predict that the Green Economy is worth trillions of dollars. This is
based simply on the fact that so many of our products and services today are mostly based
on convenience for end users, and to maximise profits for inventors and shareholders.
Products and services of the future need to be more mindful and caring of the effects and
influences in their production, application and consumption.
The Technological Age was predicted many millennia ago, as it was anticipated that as we
move into the Aquarian Age of communication and technological advancements, making
our lives easier and more fulfilling and would become normal day to day living expectations.
What we did not fully comprehend is that we would need to include in our technological
advancements, ecological harmonising aspects, to ensure the sustainability of the planet,
and its people, animals, birds, insects and flora. Everything in nature has an effect on
everything else, and without considering the impact we create as business leaders and
consumers, there is no hope of global sustainability, and all will live in fear of illness, war,
deprivation and destruction.
So-called ‘primitive societies’ i.e. hunter gatherers with their lives embedded in nature soon
realised that ‘everything is connected’ and conducted their activities accordingly, keeping
things in balance. We will have to learn again the lessons the elders left for us to
understand and apply in our individual and collective living, so that harmony and
peace may again reign in our midst.
The work we have before us is colossal, and each person in the world
needs to contribute to the new economy through purchasing
‘where possible’ Green products, and each business leader
and organisation’s mission and vision needs to ensure the
products and services they create do not impact society
and nature negatively in any way.
It is a new chapter in the world of humanity,
where our thoughts and actions will need to
aim to reduce waste, promote fairness
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and equality, and consider deeply
our impact on society and nature.