Page 51 - DRG HR HANDBOOK- Nikita Pillay
P. 51
It is the duty if the aggrieved employee to verbally STEP ONE
inform her / his immediate superior (immediate
An employee with a grievance must raise the
manager) of her / his grievance.
grievance verbally with her / his immediate
The employee should make an appointment with
manager at a convenient time.
her / his superior (immediate manager) to discuss
The immediate manager will undertake to
the grievance.
investigate the grievance and offer opinions and
The employee should prepare properly in order to
suggestions to endeavor to resolve the grievance
state the facts of her / his case clearly.
which should normally be done within 2 (two)
The employee must state the desired outcome working days.
she / he expects.
The employee should handle the grievance in an STEP TWO
objective, non-aggressive and diplomatic way.
Should the employee not be satisfied at the end
of Step One, the employee must then lodge
DUTIES OF THE IMMEDIATE MANAGER a written grievance with the General Manager /
Management, not later than 2 (two) working days
Inform employees of the Grievance Procedure and
after the Step One decision was given
ensure that they understand the process
The General Manager / Management shall conduct
Make use of the Grievance Procedure to improve
such investigations as he / she deems necessary,
employee relations
shall make such decision as he thinks fair under
Listen attentively to the grievance, handle it
the circumstances and shall communicate his
objectively and with empathy
decision to the employee and his representative
Diligently follow through on the agreed action that as soon as possible, normally within 2 (two)
results from the process working days after the grievance has been
brought to his attention.
Refer the grievance to a higher level if it is
unresolved The General Manager/ Management shall
complete the Grievance Form.
Handle the grievances as a matter of urgency and
without any unnecessary delays The original shall be retained by the General
Manager / Management and one copy shall be
Provide feedback to the aggrieved employee
given to the employee, and a copy to the
HR Department.
MANAGEMENT Should the grievance remain unresolved, the
matter shall be dealt with by the HR Department,
Cultivate a work environment free of victimisation
who will meet with the grieved employee to finalise
and intimidation
a resolution.
Take the necessary steps to resolve the grievance
The grieved employee will be given a final written
at store management level
outcome by the HR Department of the grievance
Allocate sufficient time to listen attentively to all raised.
the parties involved in the grievance
Once the grieved employee has reached the final
Inform the employee and other relevant parties level of the grievance process, and an outcome /
of the decided action decision has been made, the matter is closed.