Page 48 - DRG HR HANDBOOK- Nikita Pillay
P. 48
If the Department of Labour inspects your company, perplexed as to what information the Department of
you will need to show the inspector the following things. Labour required, and how they will use this information
to improve transformation within South Africa. The
An Employment Equity File, containing:
following changes have been gazetted in terms of the
Your company’s current EE plan, signed by the EEA4 report:
company CEO
The EEA4
Copies of previous plans
Income differential statement requests very detailed
Records showing how plan has been information from designated employers, such as fixed,
communicated guaranteed, variable annualised salaries, average
annual pay for the top, bottom and mid 10% of an
Evidence of EE committee nominations,
organisation’s workforce.
acceptance and the process followed
The report further requests for a policy which
Evidence of the appointment of an EE manager
addresses and aims to close the vertical gap between
with a signed letter of responsibility
the highest and lowest paid employees, and needs to
List of EE committee members
be aligned with the organisation’s remuneration policy.
EE committee’s constitution with a code of
This challenges employers to take a more in-depth
conduct, signed by all members
approach to ‘’equal pay for work of equal value’’ to
Minutes of EE bi-annual/quarterly meetings minimize the remuneration gap as well as looking
at importance of job evaluation, job grading and
Copies of all EEA2 and EEA4 annual reports
submitted along with acknowledgement of
submission letters.
EE related complaints and records of actions taken
The Department of Labour online reporting portal
Qualitative analysis of the workforce opens on 1 September and closes on the 15 January
Workplace profile and numerical goals and targets, each year.
as well as previous reports The Department of Labour head office will schedule
national advocacy events during September every
Latest workplace skills plan and training report
year to coincide with the commencement of the report
The Department of Labour inspectors can also date.
interview committee members and ask them to explain
Employment equity announcements in the press will
the committee’s role.
aim to raise awareness and thus ensuring high levels
In the third quarter of 2019, the Department of Labour of compliance. There will also be national events to
had given another challenge to designated employers coincide with the launch of new regulations, codes of
within the employment equity sphere. The format of good practice, the public registry, and reports by the
the old EEA4 report was repealed and replaced with Commission for Employment Equity.
a newer version right before the submission period
Employment equity will always be a constant in building
opened for the 2019 employment equity reports.
sustainable work environments. It is important that it
As South African Labour Law is persistently is taken seriously and not as a compliance ‘’tick box
48 changing, employers are becoming increasingly exercise’’.