Page 15 - KZN Business Sense - KZN Chamber
P. 15
The welcoming aroma of
roasting coffee beans at one time. The bright red transforming our cappuccinos
lingers in the air at cherries are crushed to obtain into delightful works of art,
the beans; each berry produces worthy of a quick photograph.
the Beaver Creek coffee farm. two beans. The green beans are An excellent coffee fix was had
Located at the seaside town of then fermented and washed by all!
Port Edward, Beaver Creek is with water to remove the fruit
the most southern coffee estate pulp. Following this stage, the The cost for the tour includes
in the world. Beaver Creek is a beans are either sun-dried for bottomless coffee afterwards,
family-owned business, with two weeks or dried indoors which we enjoyed along with a
three generations personally under lights. Once dried, the delicious meal from the Beaver
involved in growing, harvesting beans are hulled and graded for Creek café. The specialty of
and roasting coffee. size prior to roasting. The time the day – a coffee rubbed beef
spent in the roasting process is burger – was very tasty and
Participating in the guided pivotal to developing the various rounded off the day’s extreme
tour of the coffee farm enhanced flavours available. Some of the coffee fix. We could not depart
our appreciation for the full ground produce is then expertly without first purchasing some
flavoured cups of coffee we later blended with imported and local of the Estate’s Reserve 100%
enjoyed tasting. Producing a coffee beans to create Beaver Pure Arabica Coffee L28 for
good cup of coffee is clearly a Creek’s signature coffees. our continued enjoyment. The
labour intensive process! packaged beans or ground
The tour concluded with an coffee estate reserve or blends
The farm started with four indulgent tasting of a variety are also available for purchase
coffee trees in 1984 and has now of coffee drinks from single online.
grown to contain more than espressos to cappuccinos, caffè
60,000 trees, including Robusta cremas, flat whites, doppios, The tour is held every day of
and Arabica varietals. From to café Americanos, amongst the week at 12pm and booking
seedling stage, the trees can others. These were produced is essential in holiday season.
take up to five years to mature through a demonstration of Please call 039 3112 347 or email
to fully produce fruit. The coffee variety of percolation methods to book
cherries are handpicked from from machine to the moka pot. your spot. n
the trees over several months The enthusiastic Beaver Creeks
as the fruit does not all ripen baristas also entertained us by
Hilton Arts Festival
Hilton College: 16, 17, 18 September 2016 The three day festival caters nature” produced and expertly lit flashbacks, and interactions, a For lovers of orchestral music:
for everyone, young and old – by Mannie Manim, directed by man’s past and family life are the KwaZulu Natal Philharmonic
KZN’s premier arts including a huge market, book John Kani and starring Mncedisi uncovered. Orchestra will present two
festival: the 24th annual stalls and great food. Shabangu and Atwanda Kani. concerts – both conducted by
Hilton Arts Festival Other interesting features of maestro Richard Cock: Frank
will once again be hosted in the There are two flagship Other dramas to look out for this year’s festival include satirist Sinatra and Friends featuring
picturesque Hilton College from productions this year: The are: Dallae Story is a non-verbal Pieter-Dirk Uys who brings soloist Nic Nicolaidis; and in
16 – 18 September, 2016. Grindrod Bank Flagship performance from Korea involving his brilliant one-man memoir chapel, members of the KZN
production is Blonde Poison: puppets, theatrical movement, Echo of a Noise to the festival, Phil will perform the charming
The festival invites the written by South African traditional dance and music, and there is a screening of the Peter and Wolf and other music
crème-de-la-crème of what playwright Gail Louw which shadow theatre and projection. documentary about his life: for children under the age of 95.
is hot and happening in the reunites brilliant actress Fiona Pay Back the Curry: Rob van Nobody’s Died Laughing followed Richard Cock will also present a
creative industries in South Ramsay and director, Janna Vuuren directs multi-talented by a Q&A; Jemma Kahn brings very entertaining and anecdote-
Africa: theatre; dance; comedy; Ramos-Violante in a play about Daniel Richards in a new Mike two productions for grown-ups, filled presentation, Conduct
musical theatre; family theatre; beauty, treachery and the high van Graan wry comedy which both in the Japanese story telling Unbecoming, as part of the lecture
classical music; music revue; price of survival. The Independent unpacks a myriad topical themes. Kamishibai style: We Didn’t come series. The Pietermaritzburg City
band-music; visual art and Newspapers Flagship Production Contractions: Janna Ramos- to Hell for the Croissants and In Orchestra will be performing al-
crafts, as well as a series of is the timeless classic, Sizwe Banzi Violante and Emily Child star in Bocca al Lupo; Pietermaritzburg fresco in a programme of several
mind-scape lectures, events and is Dead, dubbed by the New York this sharp, wily and resolutely- actors TQ Zondi and Mpilo well-known classical pieces.
discussions. Times as “A joyous hymn to human potent dark-comedy. Dead Yellow Nzimande will both be in three
Sands is a return productions, and Rob van Vuuren The festival would not be
to minimalism: performs in a comedy, a family possible without: Hilton College;
an actor lit with show and directs the Mike van Independent Newspapers;
sophisticatedly Graan comedy. Grindrod Bank; Black Coffee;
simple lighting PWC; DWR; Assetej; KZN Dept.
speaking the stories There are three mini festivals of Arts & Culture; SAB Castle
he has lived. Written embedded in the main Lite; Bidvest Car Rental; Zultrans;
and performed programme: the Jongosi schools Marriott (for Music Revival);
by Graham Weir, programme taking place for one BASA; Loud Crowd; Indwe Risk
direction is by Bo day only: Friday 16 September Management and SAPPI.
Petersen and lighting for both senior primary and high
design by Darron school learners; Christopher For more info visit:
Araujo. Sillage is a Duigan’s Music Revival series or
disquieting story of hosts a comprehensive concert like the Facebook page, Hilton Arts
domesticity between a programme in the school chapel Festival. n
mother and daughter with an underlying Beethoven
packing up their motif throughout the festival All enquiries on 033 383 0126 / 7 or
family home. The weekend; and Assetej hosts a
Graveyard is a series programme of theatre for young Booking enquiries:
Falling Off the Horn: uses visual storytelling to shed light on experiences of xenophobia in of musings, scenes, audiences.
modern-day South Africa.