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Ingula - Africa’s largest pumped storage scheme

Corporate Affairs Division:            turbines, into the lower dam.           Area’ (IBA).                          Unit 4 Stator and Rotor             with this long-term objective in
Generation Communication                During times of low energy              The threatened oribi occurs on                                           mind. Because of the sophisticated
                                                                                                                     slopes and mountain forests, with   Environmental Management
To build a pumped storage              demand, the pump/turbines are           site, grey rhebok and steenbok        large numbers of plant species.     Plan that governs all activities on
       scheme you need a specific      used to pump the water from the         are also present. Historically,       Harvesting opportunities will       site, Ingula was the first Eskom
       combination of factors to       lower dam, back to the upper dam.       the site was heavily utilised by      be explored and, if appropriate,    construction site to receive
be just right, they are: the right                                             livestock which resulted in large     sustainable programmes              ISO14001 certification in March
geology, enough available water,       The Environment                         tracts of erosion. Livestock          implemented. Programmes to          2011.
two sites to build dams – close         Eskom has taken a decision to          numbers have been reduced             remove indigenous vegetation in
enough together, but with at                                                   and eroded areas have been            the construction areas have been     Ingula’s first unit began
least 400 metres difference in         manage the area surrounding             rehabilitated or stabilised. The      initiated. These plants will be     operating commercially on 10 June
altitude, it needs to be close to the  the dams and construction sites         area has been subjected to high       used during rehabilitation and      2016
National Grid and close to existing    as a conservation area. This area,      intensity poaching and illegal        opportunities for propagation are
infrastructure. Eskom started          located in both the Free State and      plant harvesting. Through the         being investigated.                 Visitors Centre
looking for such sites in the 1980s.   KwaZulu-Natal, is of significant        development of a protected area,                                          The Ingula Visitors Centre
Initially more than 90 potential       value as a source of water for the      it is hoped to increase numbers       Ecotourism                          conducts tours of the construction
sites were investigated, resulting in  Highveld and serves as a habitat        of animals on site and, in a           As part of the conservation        site and conservation area on
the short-listing of only three. The   for a variety of plants, birds and      secure environment, establish                                             weekdays. Presentations can also
best site was selected 55 km           animals. A team of full-time,           viable populations. A reduction       programme, a network of             be given off-site.
from Ladysmith, spanning               professional environmentalists          in unsustainable activities will      walking and hiking trails will be   Booking in advance is essential.
the escarpment of the Little           monitor all construction                improve general conditions on site.   developed and other ecotourism      Contact: Tel. 036-342-3236 or
Drakensberg, and straddling the        activities on site, ensuring all legal                                        opportunities investigated and      036-342-3122
provincial boundary of the Free        requirements are met and that the       Wetlands                              implemented. These include          Email: ingulavisitorscentre@
State and KwaZulu-Natal.               project operates within the terms        Wetlands on the property serve       campsites, river trails, birding n
                                       of the government authorisation.                                              and cycling. Marketing of the
  This is also the continental                                                 as a continual supply of water to     area may lead to an increased       For more information on Eskom related
watershed between the Vaal             Conservation                            the Wilge River and springs flow      demand for accommodation,           topics see the Eskom website (www.eskom.
River catchment, flowing into the       Eight thousand hectares around         throughout the year. The wetland      an opportunity for surrounding
Atlantic Ocean, and the Tugela                                                 system is host to a variety of        landowners.                         Select the “About electricity” and
River catchment, flowing into the      the power station is close to being     species and is in need of protection                                      “Visitors Centres”
Indian Ocean.                          declared a nature reserve. With         following years of overgrazing        Sustainability                      (
                                       the cooperation of surrounding          and inappropriate burning. The         The site aims to be an             ingula-pumped-storage-scheme/)
History Behind the Name Ingula         landowners, the Ingula Nature           formal conservation of the Wilge
  Initially known as ‘Braamhoek’,      Reserve may form the core of a          River and associated wetlands         internationally renowned
                                       larger conservation area protecting     will be explored in conjunction       sustainable nature reserve and all
the name was officially changed        the moist, high altitude grasslands     with the Free State Department        activities on site are carried out
to ‘Ingula’ in March 2007. The         of the eastern Free State and           of Tourism, Environmental and
name ‘Ingula’ alludes to the           northern KwaZulu-Natal.                 Economic Affairs. Rehabilitation
creamy contents at the top of a                                                done in the past will be continued,
milk calabash. The quest to find        A partnership between Eskom,           thereby ensuring the sustainable
an appropriate name for Ingula         BirdLife South Africa (BLSA)            functioning of the wetlands.
Power Station was inspired by the      and Middelpunt Wetland Trust
mountains and foamy river-waters,      (MWT) was launched in March             Grasslands
and the rich cultural symbols and      2004. The aim is to generate             Grassland ecosystems are most
traditions of the indigenous people    benefits at international, national,
on both sides of the border.           regional and local levels to offset     in need of conservation in South
                                       any negative impacts of the             Africa. The conservation of the
The Scheme                             construction and operation of the       Ingula area will go some way
  The pumped storage scheme            pumped storage scheme. This has         towards increasing grassland areas
                                       been done by effectively managing       under protection.
consists of an upper and a lower       the impacts of the scheme on the
dam, each capable of holding           environment and projects related         The cooperation of landowners,
approximately 22 million cubic         to the area.                            through the development of a
metres of water. The dams,                                                     nature reserve, will ensure an
4.6 km apart, are connected             More than 300 bird species have        improved environment and
by underground waterways               already been sighted at Ingula.         will help in the development of
passing through a subterranean         One of these, the Wattled Crane,        communities in the area, both
powerhouse with four 333 MW            is among the three critically           from a social and economic
generators.                            endangered birds in terms of            perspective.
                                       regulations issued in the National
  To generate electricity during       Biodiversity Act.                       Rehabilitation
times of peak demand, water is                                                  In addition to the wetlands,
released from the upper dam,            The Bedford/Chatworth wetland
passing through the pump/              is recognised by BirdLife South         there are a variety of habitats on
                                       Africa as an ‘Important Birding         the property, including grassland

Ingula Bedford Dam

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