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Business Retention & Expansion in eThekwini
BR&E Programme kicks off in New Germany!
Creating jobs has become
top priority nationally major part in determining the
in view of South Africa’s action that follows. Analysis
of key issues in each area has
27.6% unemployment rate. In been formalised and properly
tackling this challenge, it is reported on for all to work on.
essential to remember that 60-
80% of all new jobs are created Common issues of concern
by existing businesses, which are to business revealed by these
also responsible for 70% local surveys in the past include crime
investment. Moreover, actions and grime, skills shortages,
that create an environment heavy vehicle traffic congestion,
in which existing businesses waste and electricity supply
can flourish will also benefit problems and the need to
new businesses and attract the improve how local business is
interest of outside investors. organised.
eThekwini Municipality has At the Business Retention & Russell Curtis, previous Speaker Cllr Logie Naidoo, and Zeph Ndlovu
been active in the Business Expansion event on Thursday
Retention & Expansion (BR&E) 9 June, the previous Speaker of Promotion Unit of the and Education in the Water be taken within New Germany.
programme in a number of the eThekwini Municipality, eThekwini Municipality alerted and Sanitation highlighted the One of these is asking business
ways. The Municipality’s role Councillor Logie Naidoo business persons attending the measures that both eThekwini about their concerns, ideas
in the Toyota expansion is a and President of the Durban launch about the new Incentive and Umgeni Water would have and opportunities. Through
prime example as is its support Chamber of Commerce and Policy. A new One-Stop Shop to take if all communities the eThekwini Municipality’s
for clustering initiatives and Industry Mr Zeph Ndlovu provides existing and new were not vigilant about saving Durban Investment Promotion,
for catalytic infrastructure officiated and launched the large investors to the City with water. To round off the BR&E this locally driven and
developments. Since 2005 BR&E Programme. Russell support through the regulatory Launch, Miss Kathleen Hall, implemented programme
Durban Investment Promotion Curtis, from Durban Investment and infrastructure provision Legal Advisor of the eThekwini has been initiated by local
has conducted six BR&E Promotion outlined the processes, plus would manage Municipality introduced the new partnership with the Durban
programmes in partnership importance of the BR&E the incentive application Bylaws especially those relating Chamber of Commerce and
with the Durban Chamber of Programme in retaining jobs procedure for the catalytic to the BR&E Programme namely Industry and supported by Trade
Commerce and Industry, plus and attracting investment. projects. the Nuisance Bylaws in order and Investment KwaZulu-Natal.
other localised business bodies. to create safe and friendly
Business was advised of the South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal public places and community The BR&E programme is
These have impacted on some Go!Durban progress by Head and Durban is in the grip of a environments. managed by a task team of local
3,500 businesses using a locally of the eThekwini Transport severe drought and Mr Bongani leaders including eThekwini
driven process that surveys Authority, Mr Thami Manyathi. Hlophe, Community Liaison Different BR&E approaches will Municipality’s BR&E Project
business needs and priorities Business opportunities Manager, Sibusiso Makhathini,
while mobilising business surrounding the procurement of Samala Morgan, DCCI Western
and other local role-players to the transport components would Area Liaison Officer and Perusha
address them. further emerge in 2017/2018 Govender, Business Retention
once the transport network Officer, TIKZN. The day to day
A key lesson of the City’s was operational. Dr Nuthan running of the programme
Investment Promotion Maharaj, Senior Professional will be led by BR&E local
programme has been that the Planner in the Economic co-ordinator, Monique Labat
quality of the process plays a Development and Investment in conjunction with associate
Dumisani Ndlela. A survey
of the businesses within New
Germany will be conducted.
Business will be asked about the
pros and cons of doing business
locally, obstacles to growth and
ideas for growth. Action Teams
on each of these will then be
All participants will receive
the results of the survey at the
feedback session in August and
priorities will be set so that
local teams may implement
subsequent actions. n
Back row left to right Russell Curtis, HOD Durban Investment Promotion, eThekwini Municipality, Sihle Ngcamu, EM, Investment Promotion, TIKZN, Bongani For more information please contact
Hlophe, Community Liaison & Education, Water & Sanitation Unit, eThekwini Municipality, BR&E Local Co-ordinator
Front row left to right: Monique Labat, BR&E Local Co-ordinator, Zeph Ndlovu, President, DCCI, Sibusiso Makhathini, Project Manager BR&E, eThekwini Monique Labat on
Municipality, Kathleen Hall, Legal Advisor, eThekwini Municipality and Queen Mkhize, BR&E Officer, TIKZN Email: or
Mobile: 082 924 6349