Page 5 - KZN Business Sense - KZN Chamber
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FNB Business believes in
       the advancement of gender      challenges of being a leader in       the notion of driving businesses in  Using humour
       equality, transformation       today’s business environment.         a masculine way is a thing of the    and personal
and the empowering of women                                                 past, but rather for women to open   anecdotes,
for sustainable business growth.       The FNB Business Women’s             up their business to collaboration   entrepreneur Vusi
This belief is among some of the      Breakfast in association with         and co-creation of the ecosystem.    Thembekwayo
reasons we chose to support East      East Coast Radio filled out the       The biggest organisations are ones   encouraged
Coast Radio by sponsoring the         Durban ICC on 12 August 2016.         that co-create, “Women are not       women to boldly
FNB Business Women’s Breakfast.       The event brought together            equal. Women are better!”            charter new
The event aims to bring together      female business thought-leaders                                            territories and
leading business women from           to discuss key strategic insights      Yolande Steyn, Head of FNB          highlighted the
various sectors in an open and        to performance-enhancing ideas        Innovations dished up honesty        need for women
supportive environment for            and concepts, and share their own     with a dash of simplicity, in        to compete in
sharing, learning and networking.     unique inspirational business         her account of the challenges,       the ever evolving
                                      journeys and practices with fellow    trials and tribulations of being a   business world.
  The FNB Women’s Breakfast           phenomenal women.                     woman in business. Yolande is        “Women have far
served women with the                                                       an industrial engineer who has       greater odds to go
opportunity to exchange ideas,         IT guru, Stafford Masie kicked       extensive experience in product      up against when
insights, experiences, and            off the power presentations,          development and strategic project    they want to
                                      drawing attention to the fact that    management. She has played an        build lives, build
                                                                            integral role in consulting, mobile
                                                                            telecommunications, software         businesses, build
                                                                            development, mobile money and        careers. So I stand
                                                                            innovations. Yolande’s advice        before you with a    Entrepreneurs from KZN
                                                                            to women in business is, “If you
                                                                            want to make your mark, know         sense of humility,
                                                                            that you are good enough. Be the     knowing that I’m speaking to an initiatives and legislation being
                                                                            best, then be better. Speak from     audience of powerful people who enforced and promoted in such a
                                                                            your heart.  Feel that strength      face odds, who I as a man, would way that they empower women.
                                                                                                                 never understand.”
                                                                                                                                                      Women can achieve what they
                                                                            you have inside of you and the         The event drew more than           want by defining their goals and
                                                                            infinite capacity that you can       800 women from all spheres of        creating a framework in which
                                                                            unlock.  There are no boundaries     business and has grown to be one     to achieve them. FNB Business
                                                                            or barriers, except the ones you     of the most anticipated events       understands the benefits of
                                                                            create for yourself.”                on the KwaZulu-Natal corporate       having women-led start-up,
                                                                                                                 calendar. We’re proud to support
From left to right: Nick Grubb, CEO of Radio at Kagiso; Stafford Maise, IT   “The work we do needs to be         and invest in this high-quality      scale-ups and lead businesses
guru and serial entrepreneur; Yolande Steyn, Head of FNB Innovations; Boni  aligned with our purpose. At the     event of this nature.                and will continue to support
Mchunu, General Manager ECR; Khanyi Dhlomo, CEO of Ndalo Media;             end of the day, we are all wonder                                         initiatives that help local female
Renee Burton, Marketing Manager at ECR                                      women!” were the powerful words       The increased presence of           owned business’ navigate the
                                                                            of wisdom from Ndalo Media           business women plays a major         uncertainties of the business
                                                                            CEO and award-winning media          role in the social and economic      world. n
                                                                            personality, Khanyi Dhlomo, as she   factors affecting South Africa,
                                                                            shared her inspirational journey.    this has led to government 



 Press Statement                      have declined from 57.2% to 45.5%     South Africans classified as Black   no logic as there is no correlation  that we must all work together to
                                      between 2006 and 2011. The report     were at a disadvantage during the    between the two groups. It is as     find solutions to the challenges
The Daily News carried an             shows that over half of SA’s GDP      apartheid era and that current       random as comparing the income       that face us a country and to make
       article that claims that a     belongs to the metros with the City   economic conditions exacerbate       of “White” South Africans with       our society a better place for all
       Standard Bank Report finds     of Tshwane having the highest         this situation. This situation       citizens of the Netherlands.         citizens. n
that the “Indian” community           nominal per capita income followed    cannot be ignored and must be
of South Africa benefited from        by Johannesburg and Cape Town.        acknowledged.                         The Minara Chamber of     
apartheid. The Minara Chamber         This could be attributed to the high                                       Commerce, as a non-racial  
of Commerce has been in contact       level of government employees in       However to suggest that those       business organisation, believes
with Standard Bank to gain an         these cities.                         classified as Indians alone
understating of the report and its                                          have benefitted in a post
context.                               We must find ways and means to       apartheid South Africa is
                                      spread the economic opportunity       a narrow interpretation of
  It is interesting that while        and unlock the latent potential       Mkhwanazi’s report.
the report by Standard Bank’s         in semi-urban and rural areas
Economist Siphamandla                 through a greater emphasis on          The report points out
Mkhwanazi was on the change in        decentralisation of economic          that South Africans
Living Standards in South Africa      growth.                               classified as White
since 1996, the focus of article has                                        continue to earn the
been on one aspect namely the          Income levels have been growing      highest per capita income
comparison of income between race     at ever slowing levels with a growth  and have the lowest
groups.                               of just 3% between 2011 and 2015      poverty levels in a post
                                      compared to 15% between 2000 and      apartheid South Africa.
  Rather than point out a racial      2005. This is due to the economic     Those classified as Indian
comparison, it would be better to     crisis not just in our country but    earn 50% of their White
focus on the regional disparities in  globally which is causing job losses  counterparts. The growth
order to find positive solutions to   particularly at the lower income      in income of the so-called
the challenge of rising poverty and   levels.                               Indian group has been
unemployment in our country.                                                only 18% since 1996.
                                       Government and the Private           Economist Dawie Roodt’s
  The Standard Bank report has        Sector need to work together to find  comparison of the income
highlighted that South Africa is      sustainable solutions not just quick  levels of South African’s
the most unequal societies in the     fixes.                                who he calls Indians with
world even though poverty levels                                            citizens of India bears
                                       There is no denying that those

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