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Siddiq Adam, CEO KZN Growth Fund                                             The KZN Growth Fund (being the only funder in this project) provided R42.5m in debt funding towards the
                                                                             setting up of the second condom manufacturing facility in the country.

Siddiq Adam lives by the               said, “I enjoy finding solutions.     exceptional level of service to all   that is more efficient and agile.     course, once both entities has
      maxim, “For as long as the       I am not dogmatic but I am able       his clients at all times. He added    The Growth Fund has also been         finalised the legal agreements. The
      intention is good and the heart  to think on my feet and I have        that investors are always looking     rebranded and has reclaimed its       Growth Fund currently manages
is clean then success is guaranteed,   developed the flexibility to cope     for a responsive and efficient        market space with much success.       total assets valued at R1,1 billion
given that they are accompanied by     with situations as they arise and     financier with a quick turn-          It is now well poised to further      and is projected to surpass the
hard work and perseverance.” This      can change my mind if good            around time.                          deliver on its mandate.               R1,4 billion mark with the new
maxim is very apt as his career has    alternatives to problem situations                                                                                institutional investor on board.
been driven by a passion for the       are offered.” Adam said that this      A major career challenge that         Adam maintains that the
upliftment of people. Knowing that     skill has given him the edge when     he has faced is the lack of trust     Growth Fund has been a pioneer         An important aspect of
he can make a difference to people’s   dealing with complex problems.        between population groups in          in the space of project finance at    financing projects is to ensure
lives causes him much enjoyment,       He added, “It is important to be      South Africa. He said, “While         a provincial government level.        that a significant number of
both in his professional career and    agile and adapt to the environment    the system of apartheid cannot        It started with a public private      black industrialists are created
in his personal capacity. In his       one finds yourself in, however, you   be blamed for South Africa’s          partnership with Standard Bank        in addition to implementing the
words, “You have to be passionate      must have a vision.”                  problems indefinitely, the heritage   and the Development Bank of           Broad-Based Black Economic
about what you do, otherwise don’t                                           of the past has created much          Southern Africa to create a closed    Empowerment strategy of
do it”.                                 Talking to Business Sense, Adam      mistrust, which will take years       debt fund. The Growth Fund            government. Adam said, “We
                                       delves into his flexible approach     and decades of concerted efforts      has since bolstered its product       should not transform just for
  The Mauritius-born South             and reveals his leadership style: “I  by all to change.” A crucial part of  offerings by establishing an Equity   compliance sake. We must
African did his primary and            use a consultative approach. Even if  his role in the various government    Fund – once again a first by a        transform because it is the moral
secondary education in Mauritius       I have a solution in mind, everyone   departments he has worked has         provincial development finance        and right thing to do. We cannot
and thereafter moved to South          can take collective responsibility    been building relationships and       institution. This new equity fund     perpetuate inequality in society.”
Africa in 1992 where he completed      for finding and implementing          developing rapport in order to        will have greater socio-economic
his tertiary studies, including        solutions. You can never know         increase productivity.                impact by leveraging off the           In a bid to promote
a Master’s Degree in Applied           everything.” Adam added, “You                                               market. It also has the intention     transformation, Adam would
Economics (cum laude), at the          are only as good as your team and      While Adam has been                  to develop a guarantee fund in        like to see much more investment
University of Natal, now the           having an efficient and capable       instrumental in the turnaround        the foreseeable future. Adam          in the country’s human capital,
University of KwaZulu-Natal            crew is essential. But a good leader  of a number of institutions he        highlighted the fact his institution  especially in interventions
between 1992 and 1998.                 will always be accountable for        also says that he has moved on        will continuously re-invent           relating to education and skills
                                       decisions that his team makes as a    with some sadness. “I cannot          itself in order to be ahead of the    development. He said, “People are
  Prior to being appointed as          fish rots from the head down.”        do miracles and I have been           competition.                          our most precious assets.” Adam
CEO of the Growth Fund in                                                    disillusioned when changes have                                             would like to see measures put in
March 2012, Adam occupied               He values the ability to think       not continued, especially as I have    The Growth Fund has seen a           place to counter the high dropout
various senior positions within        out of the box and apply common       had to sacrifice a huge amount of     commendable increase in the           rate in schools and universities
the KZN provincial government,         sense and logic to situations. These  time and effort in order to achieve   number of successful projects it      as well as ensure that a higher
namely KZN Department of               skills are often not related to the   results,” he said.                    has funded over the last two years.   standard of education is obtained.
Economic Development & Tourism         qualifications achieved, but are                                            Further to the solid performance,
(Deputy-Director General),             characteristics that he looks for      Adam’s years of experience in        the lenders in the previous            Adam’s spare time is currently
KZN Department of Agriculture          when making staff appointments.       turning around organisations          funding model have also been          occupied by his new born son. He
and Environmental Affairs                                                    has been put to good use at the       repaid. Adam says his institution     enjoys travel, which provides him
(Acting Director-General), KZN          Much of his career has been          Growth Fund, which is now a           will increase its efforts to build    the much needed opportunity
Department of Human Settlements        driven by the desire to dispel        self-sustainable provincial public    up and grow its capital base. A       to switch off from work. While
(Deputy-Director General) and          the myth that the private sector      entity with a 100% clean audit        prominent institutional investor      having visited 28 countries, he
KZN Treasury (Chief Director).         is inherently more efficient          report in each of the last four       that has approved a R300 million      still believes that “no country in
                                       and competent than the public         financial years. The interventions    investment into the new Equity        the world can match what South
  Driven by a passion for fixing       sector and that it is possible to     that have been put in place include   Fund will be announced by the         Africa offers.” He is an avid soccer
dysfunction, Adam’s strength is        have better performing state          transforming the governance           MEC for Economic Development,         and cricket fan and will indulge
finding and applying practical         institutions. Adam, the CEO           structure from a complex and          Tourism and Environmental             in a bit of tennis from time to
solutions to problems. As such he      is obsessed with providing an         convoluted structure to one           Affairs, Mr Sihle Zikalala in due     time. n

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