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The seduction with now…
By Akash Singh, the KwaZulu-Natal longer to process. hard earned retirement savings more than likely to succeed. KWAZULU-NATAL BUSINESS
Business Chambers Council Building a solid business or money to buy a truck or a coffee So work hard to overcome the CHAMBERS COUNCIL :
shop/restaurant. barriers, don’t choose a business
It is incredible career takes a long time and effort. or a job that is easy to enter. Hard Chairman: Dominic Collett
how often Its hard work and dedication, The truck does well for a few work does not kill, it just builds Secretariat: Charmaine Nundalall
I see new which would ensure that a months (as you have to undercut character! Tel: +27 (0)87 350 6747
businessmen and business or career is built on solid the competitors on price when Address: 3rd Floor, The Boulevard
businesswomen foundation, and will be sustainable entering the market), but then as Coupled with the seduction for Umhlanga, 19 Park Lane,
who want to to the highs and lows of the maintenance and costs rise, you now, is the seduction for free… Umhlanga Rocks, 4319, KwaZulu-
join a chamber of economy. start cutting corners by replacing Lots of people want services or Natal, South Africa
tyres with retreads, paying lower goods for free. I think this is a Website:
commerce Maybe its laziness that has crept wages to cheaper and often not symptom of the “seduction for
and industry into society and now fed deeply committed staff….. the writing now” phenomenon. Not having heard about a brilliant business
and they into the fabric of our businessmen, starts to come onto the wall….. to want to work for rewards but idea that is unique, brand new and
expect an businesswomen, employees and breakdowns, accidents, non or expecting them for free. This has never though off!
immediate entrepreneurs. I often come face late-deliveries and finally loosing created entry level business people
change to face with entrepreneurs that clients. that are starting up businesses that So to all the budding business
or benefit want to start a new business. After are generally in industries that are people out there (and employees),
to their digesting a small portion of what’s The same applies to coffee easier to enter and are built on a think long and hard before you
business. on their mind and their business shop/restaurants; many people hand out mentality. enter the business world or choose
plan (everyone has a business think that buying a coffee shop/ your career or job. Be prepared to
Today’s society, both young plan, one that is often copied restaurant is a ticket to a successful These wrong ingredients (the be different, innovative and work
and old, is seduced with instant from another!), I often realise that business. Have you ever opened seduction for now and free) are the hard (but also smart). n
gratification. Think about it…… it’s just a replication of another the Sunday paper and taken a look core to why many businesses do
you want your email now, you business and one with limited at the “business for sale” section? not succeed or if they do operate,
order a new mobile phone and barriers to entry. There are mostly coffee shops and it’s at a very marginal level. The
can’t wait till it arrives, and you get restaurants for sale. I wonder why? last statistic I heard was that 60%
pretty upset with sales assistants A good case in point is teachers of businesses started don’t go
if they don’t have any stock. My and civil servants wanting to take The barriers to entry are there beyond eight years. It has killed
favourite, you scream and shout early retirement to foray into the to ensure that few entrepreneurs innovation and the nurturing of
at the computer when an online business world. They take their enter and those that are in are new ideas. When last have you
payment takes a few seconds
The KwaZulu-Natal Business
Chambers Council (KBCC) Pietermaritzburg Chamber of present in the region. Current A current aim of the KBCC is the province, represents member
has recently seen a change Business, was elected as treasurer. members include the Durban to grow the membership in the chambers, and provides an
of leadership, as the previously Chamber of Commerce and province to include other active integrated platform for provincial
elected committee members’ Akash Singh congratulated the Industry, the Minara Chamber of business organisations. government to engage with the
terms of office have expired. new committee members. He Commerce, the Pietermaritzburg KZN business chambers and
said, “I wish you all the best in Chamber of Business, iLembe Collett said, “The KBCC is a organisations as a collective.
Taking over the reins from making the KBCC the preferred Chamber of Commerce, young chamber and my goal is to Through our active role on the
Akash Singh is Dominic business organisation in KZN.” Industry and Tourism, the KZN follow the lead of my predecessor, KZN Economic Council, input
Collett who is the newly elected Growth Coalition, the Zululand Akash Singh, and continue to on economic growth and strategy
chairperson of the KBCC. Collett KwaZulu-Natal is the only Chamber of Commerce and build on and implement KBCC’s is also provided to the KZN
is also the president of the iLembe province in South Africa that Industry, the Ladysmith Chamber mandate so that we maintain our provincial government. We are
Chamber of Commerce, Industry has an umbrella structure for the of Commerce, Kokstad Chamber current strong momentum.” He able to sit down with business,
and Tourism. various chambers of commerce of Commerce, the KZN Youth added, “The KBCC is a voice for government and labour and
and business organisations Chamber, FABCOS and NAFCOC. matters pertaining to business in straight away attempt to resolve
matters of concern.”
Collett is a civil engineer
by trade and is the Principal The KBCC has a strategy session
and Market Segment Leader: planned for November, wherein
Urban Drainage and Sanitation the members will propose new
with Royal HaskoningDHV. methods of engaging with
He has been a member of business and government in order
the iLembe Chamber’s executive to promote a stronger economy in
committee for the past five years the province.
and represents the Chamber
at the critical infrastructure “KwaZulu-Natal has a number
forums and working groups at of growth nodes, which include
both local, district and provincial Durban and the north coast. It is
government level. important that we build on the
potential inherent in these regions
The vice-chairperson is Judith The new KBCC Chairperson Dominic Collett is congratulated by outgoing chairperson Akash Singh. so that we can get ahead of the
Nzimande, first female president pack. Growing our powerbase
of the Zululand Chamber of will ensure that we increase
Commerce and Industry and our competitive advantage over
general manager of Human Gauteng, which will promote
Resources for Richards Bay much desired socio-economic
Coal Terminal. Melanie Veness, growth, to the benefit of all,”
chief executive officer of the concluded Collett. n
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and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the KwaZulu-Natal Business Please send your queries to
Chambers Council, its members, staff or funding agencies and advertisers. We look forward to hearing from you!
KZN Business Sense is brought to you by KZN Top Business.