Page 4 - KZN Business Sense - KZN Chamber
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Gavin Douglas, Gavin Douglas, partner at Mazars, more loyal to you as a customer to a client to understand the first in order to make the most
Director, Mazars the internationally represented or supplier. Your company may strengths, weaknesses and significant impact. The Mazars
Academy organisation specialising in audit, benefit from better service, areas of opportunity that enable Academy also provides public
accounting, tax and advisory cheaper products, better range the QSE to grow to a more leadership courses, which
If services. of products and services,” sustainable business. enables clients to sponsor black
Douglas continues. managers in order to build
administered “By utilising your enterprise “We also collaborate with better managers and responsible
correctly, and supplier development (ESD) He adds that ESD spend can be black owned firms to deliver the leaders. In addition, we can
spend to upskill and support used as a branding tool for one’s services and skills in order to collaborate with other service
upskilling QSEs as a means to secure your business. “If qualifying small create and maintain sustainable providers to implement a skills
initiatives for own company’s supply chain, black businesses know you are businesses. Our process begins development strategy within
qualifying the cost actually becomes a supporting and helping them to with an analysis of the client’s most organisations.”
small significant investment,” Douglas create sustainable businesses, supply chain in order to identify
enterprises says. it could be a great initiative to QSEs with the maximum benefit “We believe that investing in
(QSE) can show that yours is a brand that from a branding and growth others creates sustainability
provide Douglas notes that the most gives back. Surveys have shown perspective,” Douglas explains. and good corporate culture
up to 40 points on a company’s recent generic B-BBEE scorecard that companies that give back and more businesses should
Broad-Based Black Economic stipulates that ESD must are more likely to succeed in He states that, once identified take the opportunity to
Empowerment (B-BBEE) amount to a minimum of 3% a sustainable manner. Brand and agreed with the client, make a difference,” Douglas
scorecard. There is however an of a company’s net profit after loyalty is a great way to grow each QSE conducts a business concludes. n
even bigger opportunity in these tax, in order to be able to claim your contribution to society and analysis together with an
kinds of projects according to the maximum points available. your business.” accredited advisor. “After
“By utilising this ESD spend to the analysis, the QSE decides
upskill and support QSEs within Douglas states that the Mazars together with the advisor,
a company’s supply chain, these Academy enables QSEs related which projects can be tackled
companies will possibly remain
Durban Chamber of Commerce and other strategic partners such as Insurance Corporation (ECIC)
Industry/Transnet Port Terminals KZN the Department of Economic to highlight successful exporters
Exporter of the Year Awards Development, Tourism and in KwaZulu-Natal.
Economic Affairs (EDTEA),
For over a decade, the Trade & Investment KwaZulu- The awards are an ideal
Durban Chamber Natal (TIKZN), Ethekwini showcase for emerging and
of Commerce has Maritime Cluster (EMC), Small established exporters of a wide
collaborated with Transnet Port Enterprise Development Agency range of goods. The ocean
Terminals (TPT) together with (SEDA) and the Export Credit economy plays a crucial role
in the development of Durban
with an annual GDP of R20 2016 SKILLS
Billion. KwaZulu-Natal is
the second largest economic DEVELOPMENT
contributor to the South African
economy. A large part of the CONFERENCE
KZN economy is as a result The Association for Skills
of being host to the Durban Development in South Topics to be presented include:
Container Terminal, the Africa (ASDSA) – ■■ Purpose of the Quality Council
largest in southern Africa, and KZN will be hosting a Skills for Trades and Occupations
Richards Bay Terminal. These Development Conference on (QCTO)
two facilities are among 16
terminals run by TPT. the 16 September 2016 at the ■■ SETA landscape beyond 2016
Westville Country Club from
Entries are open to all 09h00 - 13h00. ASDSA is the ■■ Occupational Health and Safety
exporters within KwaZulu- professional body for skills
Natal and not only restricted ■■ Employment Equity
to Durban Chamber members.
We encourage all companies development in South Africa. The Cost R350 Members and R450
within the export sector to purpose of conference is to share Non-Members
apply. The award categories the latest news in learning and
include Small, Medium, Large, development in South Africa. *Special* R1100 conference and
New Exporter, Africa, Service ASDSA Membership
Providers, Agriculture and Agro The conference is aimed at:
processing, Creative Industries Limited marketing tables are
and the Services Sector. Entries ■■ Skills development stakeholders available to anyone who would
close 2 September 2016.
■■ Corporate employers like to promote their services.
Winners will be announced
at the Awards Gala Banquet on ■■ Training providers
20 October 2016 at the Inkosi
Albert International Convention ■■ Freelance assessors/moderators For more information and registration
Centre. n ■■ Employment equity and forms
broad–based black economic Contact: Natascha Mc Allister
Visit for entry empowerment consultants