Page 6 - KZN Business Sense - KZN Chamber
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Mel Clark, Executive them in terms of economic have no prior exposure to the In such a programme, the ■■ There is a need for monitoring,
Director of Black empowerment through “culture of entrepreneurship” aspirant entrepreneurs would evaluation and learning
Balance Projects entrepreneurship. Some of in which many of the youth of participate in a structured through the programme
these significant hurdles to other groups have grown up. process through which they implementation.
Internationally, entrepreneurship as an option will be partnered with equity
the for rural South African youth, Given these inherent obstacles partners (small scale venture The KZN Business Chambers
importance include the facts that: for young Black aspirant capitalists or investors) who Council has made a start towards
of mentorship entrepreneurs, the need for both are able and willing not only such a programme with “The
■■ They tend to have gone to fast-tracked skills development to invest in the entrepreneurs Entrepreneur Competition”
for start-up schools where the quality and intense mentoring becomes business, but to be mentors to which is now running in a few
entrepreneurs of their school education was clear. The challenge with this is these entrepreneurs as well. local chambers, but this start
especially, has significantly poorer than their that it is very difficult to expect A programme like this would needs to be grown in scale. In our
grown to a counterparts from urban mentors to commit to intense need to be carefully structured research and strategy formulation
point where middle-class areas mentoring and supporting of and systematically managed assignments as Black Balance, we
mentorship ■■ The vast majority have never new entrepreneurs without and facilitated by credible are finding a growing appeal from
is a central attended any tertiary the financial incentive for organisations – such as the youth, especially in rural areas,
feature of education, let alone education such involvement being chambers of business in the for this combination of both
most business support policies and in a business skills stream significant. Even if funding province of KZN - for a number start-up funding and mentorship.
programmes. Many international ■■ They tend to have had for the consulting rates of the of reasons, including the We continue to encourage local
experts argue that “entrepreneurial parents and relatives who were mentors were to be sourced, following: established business
skills and expertise are largely either unemployed or earned the mentors will arguably still and Government
tacit and socially constructed, a meagre living, thus not need to have extraordinary ■■ There are notable risks of to build their
and therefore have to rely on having opportunities for interest and commitment to exploitation partnerships to
experiential action learning exposure to entrepreneurship the entrepreneur and his/her ■■ There is a need for an nurture grassroots
approaches”, and thus mentors have or business, and certainly not venture. independent “match-maker” entrepreneurship
an invaluable role to play in helping having possibilities of relying to link entrepreneur and as it is one of the
new (often young) entrepreneurs on relatives for start-up capital This conundrum leads to investor/mentor keys to addressing
navigate the early life cycle of the for an entrepreneurial venture the idea that the two needs ■■ There is a need for good poverty, inequality
enterprise. ■■ In addition to the major of aspirant entrepreneurs, governance and accountability and unemployment
barriers of language proficiency namely the need for (a) start- ■■ It is highly probable that in KZN. n
This need for experienced (having to use English in the up and first-phase capital, funding for the implementation
mentors for entrepreneurs is business world), lack of and (b) the need for intensive of the programme will be Black Balance Projects
especially critical amongst financial literacy, and ability mentorship, be combined in sourced from Government, and Tel: +27 (0)31 832 3450
young Black start-up to use some of modern business the form of a “venture capital thus accounting for the use of E-mail:
entrepreneurs, who have technology, they also tend to partnership programme”. the funds becomes important Website:
the odds stacked against
Business Continuity Planning
Helper Zhou This leaves businesses exposed to on developing and implementing a agreements with suppliers. having to respond to an incident
from Sigma danger when unexpected events sustainable BCP plan. The recent tornado destruction which may disrupt or threaten
International adversely impact businesses in “We learn from history that man presents yet another warning the day-to-day operations of their
many ways which include: revenue can never learn anything from regarding lack of BCP. Reports business”.
A panacea loss, reputational costs, temporary history,” said Georg W Hegel and indicate that the mall in Thembisa However, one of the worst pitfalls
to today’s suspension of operations, and in this seem to be the case with many was ravaged, affecting a number many organisations have trapped
constant some instances ultimate closure of businesses across South Africa. of business operators, with 400 themselves in is mistaking risk
economic, business. Their operations are exposed to people being displaced. A simple management plan and disaster
social and The unexpected can happen to any unwarranted danger when various prognosis will tell anyone that recovery plan to be the equivalent
political organisation, at any time. While events occur and they end up businesses in the mall were forced of BCP yet the duo are but pieces
upheavals you cannot control the unexpected, resorting to knee-jerk responses. to stop operating forthwith and of the overall puzzle. The BCP
that threaten you can control how you respond. This danger is testified by the rate those without insurance for such looks at each and every aspect
business The recent terror attacks in Europe, at which many businesses found eventualities will find it hard to of the business and assesses the
ravaging Canadian fires, hacking it hard to respond to a litany of crawl back into business. On the impact of various disruptions to
T continuity of the Democrats e-mails and recent developments like the other hand, the businesses in the these key organisational pillars
here are risks or events growing regulatory restrictions weakening rand, Uber revolution, area, which were spared damages, with enterprise-wide lances. After
businesses c an foresee are just but a few examples of El Nino induced drought, the have yet another intense hurdle of conducting the impact analysis,
and then there are those unexpected disruptions yet with Brexit, and union led strikes. drastic drop in revenues since the the company will be in a position
they can’t: the so-called ‘black far reaching consequences. As such The abrupt import ban by the displaced 400 people (consumers) to identify and rank various
swans’ that spring from nowhere; BCP is more than just a buzzword, Zimbabwean government is one are no longer available. disruptions based on severity,
the high-profile, high-impact, but rather a strategic tool any example that demonstrates the As can be seen, it can take just thus aiding the development of
unpredictable and rare events. forward looking organisation must essence of a robust continuity one disruption and like volcanic a methodical drill, which will
have. In the developed world, the plan for all organisations. Reports eruptions the entire business continuously be stress tested
Research shows that SMMEs in 9/11 terror attacks as well as the indicated that businesses in would be gutted by the proverbial to ensure its robustness when
South Africa have a concerning 2007-9 global financial crisis was Musina alone lost about R100 inferno. Yet with up to date BCP, various eventualities occur. This
high failure rate of 70% within enough a wakeup call, and now million and more than 50 small businesses can navigate past such means that businesses can easily
first year of operations and the majority of all types and sizes businesses closed. The protests turbulent times. These recent determine value at risk and
50% cannot surpass five years. of businesses generally embrace that erupted affected cargo events must present enough an formulate a pragmatic integrated
Whilst lots of reasons have been business continuity planning into transporters from South Africa impetus to the South African response plan to mitigate the
noted, a closer look indicates that corporate planning to ensure that and beyond, that use the Beit businesses on rethinking BCP forecasted impact on the business
Business Continuity Planning businesses keep standing in the Bridge border post, one of the as a strategic tool that can save as a whole.
(BCP) is one of the missing links midst of any sort of disruptions biggest ports of entry in the region. them from tottering all over when If you want your company to
that unfortunately has been they may encounter from Many businesses were said to be the unexpected strikes. Many effectively spring back from any
relegated by both corporates and internal and external caprices. stuck with perishables, some had international organisations have disruption to its operations, then
small businesses alike. The 2013 Notwithstanding this concerning ordered stock on credit and had no sung from the same page regarding you need to think real and think
KPMG report shows that many reality, it’s sad to note the current market to sell these items. A legal the essence of BCP as a continuity business continuity planning! n
businesses across Africa are at risk level of shocking dereliction by challenge was also created, as these management plan, with ISO 22301,
of an inability to responding in a many businesses in Africa and businesses were now in danger asserting that “Most organisations E-mail:
planned and organised manner to particularly in South Africa as of violating their service level will, at some point, be faced with Website:
major incidents with direct impact they are conspicuously not keen
on their core business activities.