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Celebrating potential, passion and power of KZN women
2016 BWASA Regional Business Achiever Health Clinic won
Awards Winners in the emerging
The Businesswomen’s category.
Association of South Africa
(BWASA) is the largest Patricia Moodley,
and most prominent association owner of GlobaCon,
of business and professional and Carla Geyser,
women in the country. This year’s founder and
Regional Business Achievers trustee manager of
Awards focused on ensuring Blue Sky Society
women hone into their power Trust, secured the
and harnesses it to benefit their entrepreneur and
businesses and community social entrepreneur
around them. The awards categories
ceremonies, attended by business respectively.
women, business leaders and Moodley said,
government dignitaries, shone the “I want to take a
light on women playing executive moment to extend
roles, management and leadership my most sincere
roles across varied sectors. gratitude that I
was selected as Left to Right: Mpume Langa, Smangele Tshabalala, Seema Maharaj, Carla Geyser, Stella Khumalo, Hixonia Nyasulu,
2016 Durban Regional Business the recipient of Dr Raeesa Aboobaker, Antoinette Irvine, Patricia Moodley and Samantha Worthington.
Achiever Awards Winners
the entrepreneur of honouring vice president of Coal Terminal. Terminal manager, claimed the
The awards in five categories were award 2016. Thank you so much Human Resources at for Unilever Andile Mtshali, a conveyancing corporate category. Phumzile
announced at a glitzy gala dinner to BWASA Durban for bringing Africa, Antoinette Irvine, with a Lembede, owner of Emvelo
held at the Durban ICC on Friday me one step closer in fulfilling BWASA Patron Award. Antoinette lawyer from Kloppers Inc, won Environmental Consultants, took
29th July. The keynote speaker at my business goals of increasing has supported both branch and in the professional category. home the emerging entrepreneur
the event was Hixonia Nyasulu. GlobaCon’s footprint in the national efforts through channeled Panaso Ndlela, Transnet Port category. n
market.” sponsorship, active engagement
Samantha Worthington, head
of Customer Lock In at The The BWASA Honorary Award on panel discussions and as a
Unlimited won the corporate went to NPC Intercement. The meaningful contributor to the
category. “It was the most company recently partnered with BWASA’s efforts to drive the gender
unforgettable evening, and I must BWASA Durban to host a skills empowerment dialogue.
express my heartfelt gratitude to
BWA for this experience. It was development programme for the 2016 Zululand Regional Business
incredible!” shared Worthington women in the company. Mpume Achiever Awards Winners
of her excitement in receiving her Langa, chairperson for the BWASA
award. Durban branch shared, “It’s Zululand held an awesome event
important that we acknowledge at the Umfolozi Conference Centre
Stella Khumalo, chief executive companies that are willing to be in Empangeni on Thursday 21 July
officer at uShaka Marine World, bold and are making a concerted 2016. It was a night of empowering
claimed the government category. effort towards empowering the speeches and even more
Dr Raeesa Aboobaker, owner women in their teams to embrace empowering women! Keynote
of Dr Bakers Weight Loss & and step into their power.” speaker was Nosipho Damasane,
who until recently was the chief
BWASA Durban had the privilege executive officer at Richards Bay
Left to Right: Andile Mtshali, Panasao Ndlela and Phumzile Lembede
Melanie Veness, CEO the first day. This was arranged be so deliberately inflammatory. disappointment, I made some full price, and then we’re going
Pietermaritzburg via Mouvement des Entreprises What a way to start new great contacts. The concern lop half of the portion off and
Chamber of de France (MEDEF), a similar relationships! raised by every single person I give it to the chap at the next
Business organisation to Business spoke to, however, was B-BBEE. table (whom they’ve never met)
Unity South Africa (BUSA). Secondly, I can totally and they’re going to like it. Then,
Iwas On the afternoon before the appreciate the decision taken I am one hundred percent when they say that they won’t
engagement, we met at the by those French corporations. committed to the idea of have dessert, we get offended.
recently South African Embassy for The South African business transforming our economy, but
on a a briefing. We were told that delegation was comprised let’s be honest, B-BBEE has not The truth is that we are not
South the programme had changed mostly of heads of State-Owned been successful in achieving the only investment choice,
African and that some of the larger Enterprises, representatives of this objective. It has made a there are plenty of options, and
trade French corporations had organised business organisations few people very wealthy and let’s face it, we are no longer
pulled out, because “they did and owners of relatively newly make no mistake, it is a serious the gateway to Africa, so like it
delegation not consider the delegation to established businesses. To investment constraint. When or not, we don’t get to dictate
to France, be important enough to meet expect the Chief Executives of people raise it, we don’t want to unfavourable terms and get away
and I must say that I can with”. That set the cat amongst large corporations to engage hear it. In fact, Government is with it. We would do so much
appreciate, more than ever the pigeons alright. Many of with us without there being a driving this objective so hard, better if we opened our arms
before, why our investment those present felt aggrieved, and clear agenda is, in my opinion, that we actually come across as and rolled out the red carpet
figures look like they do. Apart understandably, we had travelled unrealistic. There is no way bolshy. for investors and then offered
from the political uncertainty, a long way at great expense. that I could get the CEO’s of generous tax incentives for
policy is a huge barrier and then Some suggested that we pull my big companies to meet with I sat their thinking that it’s B-BBEE compliance. As they say,
there is our attitude. out and not engage at all. I was relatively new French businesses, rather like offering someone you catch more flies with honey
horrified. even if they had flown all the dessert from a menu, and when than with vinegar. n
We had business engagements way to South Africa. the customer asks for apple
set up by the Department of Firstly, one has to question pie, we tell them, that actually, First published in The Mercury Network
Trade and Industry (DTI) on whether it is inappropriate for The actual business we’re going to give them lemon
a senior government official to engagements were not a total meringue, they’re going to pay