Page 13 - KZN Business Sense - KZN Chamber
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Enterprise iLembe in
partnership with the by various developments in significant since it indicates 2015 level. prices and employment were all
iLembe Chamber of markets and the economy as the current and expected state ■■ Negative outlooks around sales in positive territory.
Commerce, Industry & Tourism a whole and the iBCI seeks to of a region’s economy. It is volumes (45.6; <10.5) and order ■■ An increase in input prices
collaborate to produce the reflect the net results of these widely recognised that business books (42.7; <10) were the biggest continued to significantly
iLembe Business Confidence influences. leaders’ subjective, individual contributors to the dejected impact on the overall business
Index (iBCI), aimed at providing expectations play a key role in local business sentiment. expectations for the next six
a biannual picture of business The iBCI is a hybrid index economic developments. Sentiment around levels of months in the iLembe District.
confidence in the iLembe derived from, firstly, a biannual employment was the only Business Expectations
District of KZN, as well as an business survey conducted Highlights And Key Findings economic activity recorded
overall business outlook. in the iLembe district and ■■ The protests and resulting positively, at 51.1 index points. It is however encouraging
secondly, with a weighted index disruptions to businesses ■■ The business confidence in the to observe that business
The index considers economic of financial and economic in the District during the first Manufacturing & Assembly expectations for the remainder
and market-related aspects that variables. half of 2016, combined with a (39.8), Wholesale, Retail of 2016 are positive at a level of
have a bearing on the business deteriorating national & Vehicle Trade (39.7) and 51.3 a gain of 1.4 points against
mood, amongst businesses, During 2015 the iBCI was economic sentiment, Agriculture, Forestry & the last quarter of 2015. This
in the iLembe District. It is conducted on a quarterly basis, impacted severely on the Hunting (40.7) sectors six-month business expectation is
likely that a region’s business but from 2016 onwards will be overall business confidence in contributed to the overall the highest level since the high of
mood will be influenced both conducted on a biannual basis. the iLembe District, driving gloomy sentiment. 57.9 index points recorded in the
positively and negatively the combined hybrid iBCI ■■ The most confident economic second quarter of 2015.
The measurement of business (survey and activity indices) sector was Tourism, Catering
confidence is considered for the first half of 2016 down & Accommodation with Considering the current
by 2.6 index points compared businesses in this sector positive economic data and other
to the fourth quarter of 2015. reflecting a business confidence related activities, especially a
strengthening rand and revised
■■ The 2016 mid-year iBCI was level of 64.7 index points, growth projections, should
recorded at 46.4 index points, balancing the overwhelming contribute significantly to the
the lowest level of business negativity expressed by the actual performance of businesses
confidence recorded since other economic sectors. in the iLembe District during the
the commencement of the second half of 2016. n
iBCI, entrenching itself firmly ■■ In line with the aforementioned
in negative territory. sector sentiment, the Enquiries:
confidence expressed by Cheryl Peters, Acting CEO, Enterprise
■■ The survey component of businesses in the Mandeni iLembe,
the iBCI, which was conducted Local Municipality, home to Cobus Oelofse, CEO, iLembe Chamber of
between the mid and end of the Isithebe Industrial Estate, Commerce,
July 2016, and which records which was significantly Richard Downing, Economist, Econdow,
subjective business sentiment, impacted by the protests, was
Property development is a significant economic contributor to was recorded at an all-time low firmly in the negative on 40.8.
iLembe District. Ocean Club Zimbali is a new development situated within of 44.7 index points, five points ■■ The six-month outlook around
the new Zimbali Lakes Resort. down from the Quarter four sales volumes, order book, sales
Mia Moorcroft Premier Senzo Mchunu and Conelia Harry “‘In business you have to dream as many large corporates and
the Department of Water and big, offer excellent service, be companies were now downsizing.
Zululand Chamber of Sanitation, resulting in a R700- Adecision to change her honest, avoid cutting corners and
Commerce and Industry million commitment to fast-track career path was the biggest don’t rob or swindle people.” “Since the last ZCCI annual
(ZCCI) members on water infrastructure projects to game changer for business SMME Seminar, 15 companies
Thursday night unanimously Zululand. mogul and author Patience “You have to enlarge your vision have created 120 new jobs despite
voted to renounce its constitution, Mlengana. and move out of your comfort the tough economic conditions.
which stipulates to re-elect a new Her direct communication with zone.”
president after two years, to hold Telkom executives when a cut cable Speaking at the Zululand “Almost 200 entrepreneurs
onto their current trailblazer. caused chaos in Richards Bay’s Chamber of Commerce’s (ZCCI) Growth attended the event and while
CBD in January, also ensured their Small, Medium and Micro Impressed with the number of the chamber celebrates its 90th
Judith Nzimande, General pledge to restore the 2400 lines out Enterprises (SMME) summit attendees at the event, ZCCI anniversary, we are confident that
Manager of Human Resources at of commission within four days. in Richards Bay last week, she Deputy President Thabani Shale this organisation is vital and still
the Richards Bay Coal Terminal, encouraged entrepreneurs to said small businesses were the relevant to businesses.” n
was evidently dumbstruck when ZCCI EXCO member Dave discover their purpose, which is engines of economic growth
the chamber’s auditor, Mark Whittaker thanked Nzimande the key to establishing successful and employment in the region This article first appeared in the Zululand
Bateman-Evans, suddenly rose for her influence as a respected businesses and earn profit. Observer
before the closure of the ZCCI business leader and for bringing
annual general meeting, declaring together the region’s movers and Sharing her journey to success, ZCCI President, Judith Nzimande with South African Chamber of Comerce
the importance to retain her as shakers for effective progress. Mlengana said she spent seven and Industry CEO Allan Mukoki at the recent ZCCI AGM.
president. years studying and achieved her
‘We have much closer ties with Master’s degree in Communication
With not a single objection in our government thanks to you and Science. She found her first job
the jam-packed Pelican Hall, we hope to continue to grow even working in the archives at SABC,
Nzimande graciously agreed to closer with our local and district found it boring and ventured
continue her role in the region. municipalities.’ into the marketing field, which
appeared to be more interesting
In the past two years at the helm, ZCCI manager Christa van and offered her a challenge.
Nzimande managed to unite der Walt also stated Nzimande After moving up the ranks in
Zululand’s corporate giants and has been critical in ‘taking the several different jobs she took a
government leaders to ensure chamber to a whole new level’ as leap of faith and started her own
the crucial doubling of the water the voice of business. businesses and ministry.
capacity of the Tugela Transfer
Scheme to Goedertrouw Dam. Nzimande thanked the chamber “One has to love what you do,
team for their support and hard so when you start up a business it
The urgent drought intervention work. should be something you enjoy so
led a high powered delegation you will see it through.”
in April with the then KZN ‘It is only through unity that we
will strive.’ n